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Pledge 1% Community
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Optimize Employee Engagement
Virtual Volunteering
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Learning Paths
Social impact fundamentals
Pledge 1% Overview
Basic social impact terms and concepts
Why take the pledge?
The Pledge 1% framework
Being a force for good is good business
Resources for Nonprofits
An insider's guide for nonprofits: leveraging corporate partners for social change
From pledge to action
Get started
Overview: 7 steps to setting up your social impact programs
Unit 1: Engage executives early
Unit 2: Determine your structure
Unit 3: Define your impact mission, vision and values
Unit 4: Choose your initial impact focus and nonprofit partners
Unit 5: Set your impact objectives and integrate with company goals
Unit 6: Announce your pledge
Unit 7: Build momentum with a quick win
Get started resources
PLEDGE 1% Sample Press Release
Sample Job Description: Senior Director of ESG / Social Impact
Sample Job Description: Head of Social Impact
Sample Job Description: Senior Manager, ESG and Sustainability
Sample Employee Community Engagement Survey
Activate a time pledge
Establish an employee volunteering program
Employee volunteering basics
Unit 1: Define your volunteer program goals
Unit 2: Create your employee volunteering program
Unit 3: Foster employee engagement
Unit 4: Partner with nonprofits
Unit 5: Measure and evaluate your volunteer program
Unit 6: Select a Volunteer Program Management Tool
Employee engagement resources
Sample: Volunteer Ambassador Application
Example: Twilio Volunteer Time Off (VTO) Program Guidelines
Sample Dollars for Doers Policy
Recording: Navigating the Economy, Mental Health and Social Impact
Resource Links: Skills-Based / Pro Bono Volunteering
Engagement blueprints
Women's History Month & International Women's Day
Activate an equity pledge
Equity donation guide
Unit 1: Why make an equity pledge?
Unit 2: Four questions to help you define your equity donation
Unit 3: Safeguard your equity commitment to optimize impact
Unit 4: Rally your Board
Unit 5: Choose your philanthropic partner
Unit 6: Maximize your impact
Equity Donation Decision Checklist
Equity Case Studies
Case Study: Corporate 1% Distributed - Twilio
Corporate: 1% Upfront - Crunchbase
Founder: 1% Pre-Exit - Atlassian
Founder: 1% Post-Exit - Pluralsight
Hybrid: Founder & Corporate - Lookout
Hybrid: Founder & Corporate - Yelp
Activate a product pledge
Establish your product donation program
Product donation basics
Unit 1: Define your product donation goals
Unit 2: Choose your product donation model
Unit 3: Operationalize your product donation program
Unit 4: Measure and evaluate your product donation program
Webinar: Operationalizing a Product Donation Program with TechSoup
Measure your impact
Tell your story of impact
Impact measurement basics
Unit 1: Get started with impact measurement
Unit 2: Common metrics for philanthropy including grants, donations and product
Unit 3: Common metrics for employee engagement
Unit 4: Common metrics for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB)
Measurement Example: Philanthropic Giving
Measurement Example: Employee Engagement
Measurement Example: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Impact Measurement Resources
Impact Measurement Toolkit
Virtual Volunteering
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09:11 AM
Virtual Volunteering
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1 of 1
Last update:
09:11 AM
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Related Content
Women's History Month & International Women's Day
Engagement blueprints
a week ago
Resource Links: Skills-Based / Pro Bono Volunteering
Employee engagement resources
Recording: Navigating the Economy, Mental Health and Social Impact
Employee engagement resources
Unit 6: Select a Volunteer Program Management Tool
Establish an employee volunteering program