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Learning Paths

Program Overview: B to B Company supports nonprofits and organizations committed to expanding financial access and inclusion for BIPOC communities in the United States. Company also provides ad hoc grants in response to current events. Company does this through grants and donations and provides technical support and capacity building to grantee organizations. Company offers free products to qualifying nonprofits through a product grant program. Company is a member of Pledge 1%.


Mission: To close the racial wealth gap through supporting BIPOC financial inclusion in the United States, specifically increase access to traditional lending and home ownership.






Company 1% commitment with Pledge 1%


Dollar Value committed to grants and donations

Product Philanthropy team

Product development team

Strategic Grants

Grants & donations provided to organizations

Relationships managed by grant officers

Participate in Pledge 1% programming

$ of grants and donations

# recipient organizations

% of grant and donations aligned to strategic cause area

# capacity-building workshops offered to grantees

# individuals reached through funded programs

Grantee satisfaction rating

% report increased capacity to meet need/serve community

# first-time homebuyers participating in grantee programs

Data on US homeownership, lending and household wealth disaggregated by race

Contribute to closing the racial wealth gap

Increase BIPOC access to traditional lending

Increase BIPOC homeownership


Product grant program

Product donated at 100% discount to qualifying nonprofits

$ value of donated product

# organizations receiving donated product

% organizations reporting cost savings as a result of the product

% organizations reporting improved connection to their donor base

Nonprofits are able to focus more on their mission because this product makes their lives easier and more efficient