You want to have a strong start with your program, but there’s no need to do it all in the first year. Kick off your program by executing a quick win to establish a starting point and initial benchmark to grow. Many members start with time as a way to get initial engagement, and then add pledge types and grow their program from there.

Suggestions for a quick win:
- Organize a group volunteer activity
This can be in the office or off-site to get people engaged in your program.
- Implement a Volunteer Time Off (VTO) policy
Empower your team to start giving. This will also give you something to announce about your program company-wide.
- Host a Lunch & Learn with nonprofit partners
Invite organizations to share insights on how best to work together or hold a kick-off hackathon with your product team to workshop ideas raised during the initial needs assessment.
- Create an employee matching program
Consider launching a fund to match employee donations to the charity of their choice or to one your company has selected.
- Open your doors and team to the community
Provide a half- or full-day shadowing or mentorship day for students, virtually or in person.
- Integrate your Pledge 1% program into your user conference
Take advantage of all of the buzz and excitement around your user conference to host a booth or on-site giving activity.