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Use this sample employee engagement survey to get input on your program vision, goals and cause area.

As an extension of our values and culture, {Company Name} has formed a partnership with Pledge 1% to donate 1% of {list pledges} to charity.
The purpose of {Company Name}’s philanthropic program is to support activities that enhance and serve communities in which we live and work and the issues that impact quality of life.  We invite you to take a few moments to help us shape the foundation and mission of our charitable initiatives.


Volunteering Programs


To what extent are you currently involved in charitable endeavors?

  • No involvement or interest
  • Not currently involved, but interested
  • Some Involvement
  • Significant Involvement

If you are involved in charitable endeavors, please list the projects, programs and/or organizations you currently help serve.

What causes or focus areas would you like {Company Name} to support? (Check all that apply)


  • Health
  • Human Services
  • Environment
  • Arts & Culture
  • Education
  • Emergency Aid / Crisis Response
  • Other (please list) _____________________________________________________________


What causes or focus areas would you not want {Company Name} to support? 


Would you be interested in participating in community engagement programs sponsored by {Company Name}? (Check one)

  • Yes 
  • No

If you answered “Yes”: How would you like to be engaged?  How often would you like to get involved?

  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Annually
  • Never 


Would you like to have volunteer events during company time or after company time? (Check one)

  • During normal work hours
  • Outside or normal work hours
  • Neither  


Would you like {Company Name}’s community engagement activities to be open to employee families? (Check one)

  • Yes 
  • No


Would you like us to support your existing volunteer activities?

  • Yes 
  • No


Would you like us to include customers, partners or other stakeholders in our community impact?

Overall Philanthropic Programming


What do you think success would look like for {Company Name}’s community programs?

Would you like us to focus our efforts in the communities where we have offices or would you like to focus our work in other locations?


Would you like to be part of designing programs and shaping activities by participating in {Company Name}’s community engagement committee? (Check one)

  • Yes 
  • No

Which of the following programs would you like to see incorporated into our giving strategy? Please check all that apply.

  • Charitable gift matching
  • Quarterly group volunteer days
  • Extended sabbatical for service
  • Grant funding
  • Volunteer hour matching
  • Product donations
  • Corporate-wide donation drives
  • Other (please list): _____________________________________________________________


What do you believe are the benefits of transforming {Company Name} from a volunteer-based giving initiative to a more structured and directed charitable arm? Please check all that apply or list your own.

  • This will help {Company Name} recruit and/or retain top talent
  • This will encourage me to be more involved in my community
  • This will encourage me to share my passion projects with my co-workers
  • This will make me more proud to work for my company
  • This will impress our current customers and help us sell to new customers
  • This will increase {Company Name} visibility on both a regional and global level
  • There are no benefits
  • Other (please explain): _____________________________________________________________


Do you have any concerns about the formation of a directed charitable effort?

Additional Feedback (anything else you would like to say or see?)