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Learning Paths

Employees of AUTORO Inc. participated in a volunteer activity at the Tokyo Toy Museum on May 16th ,2024.

We helped prepare for an event called the Toy Festival, which will be held over the weekend.

At the Tokyo Toy Festival, children can play with various toys.



As part of the preparations, we spent laying out mats in the venue, arranging tables and chairs in the rooms, and setting up toys for the children to play with.

Although there were some challenging tasks, we had a very enjoyable and fulfilling!!!!!!

I sincerely hope that the children will have a great time playing at the festival this weekend.


We was able to learn a lot of things and it was a great experience for us.

I hope to continue participating in various activities and contributing to society through the entire company.


Thank you.


IMG_6515.jpgThe cat's name is Autoro-kun. He is playing with toys.

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1 of 2
Last update:
‎05-17-2024 01:36 AM
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