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Pledge 1%'s #WomenWhoLead series celebrates female leaders who are paving the way for the next generation. While our featured leaders come from a variety of backgrounds and industries, they are united in their efforts to promote equality for all women in the workplace. We’ve asked them to share a bit about their journey to success, as well as lessons they’ve learned along the way. 


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Ruth Cawdron

Marketing Manager, ProvenWorks

Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom


What is your current role? Briefly describe in 1-2 sentences.


I oversee the growth of the ProvenWorks brand, communicating a clear and cohesive message to as many people as possible.


What’s the best part of your job? What do you enjoy the most?


Meeting people from across the globe: from talking on a panel for the Johannesburg, South Africa Salesforce Developers Group, to being part of a small ISV Marketing accountability group run by someone in Colorado in the United States. The Salesforce ecosystem is incredibly diverse and unbelievably friendly.


We’ve all faced personal and professional challenges, especially during these past two years - what motivates you to keep going?


Externally, motivation comes from good leadership. Our Managing Director is not micromanagerial - he trusts us to make decisions and get on with the job. That motivates me because I feel valued and respected. My line manager is incredible. She is a total inspiration for me and it’s so special working with a friend every single day.

Internally, my ambition drives me to succeed. I don’t come from a tech background. I stopped learning anything computer-related when I was 14 years old and did a humanities and arts degree at university. I wanted to prove to myself that I could learn something new and succeed in a new industry starting from scratch. Within a year I had spoken on panels, had a piece published by Salesforce and passed the Salesforce Administrator Exam.


What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?


Listening validates how a person is feeling so much more than talking. Don't feel obligated to try and offer a solution. Sometimes that's not what people want or need.


What does generosity mean to you?


Generosity manifests in lots of different ways - in the giving of gifts and the giving of time, but also in the giving of honesty and candid emotion. I think when someone is vulnerable in front of you, that’s the ultimate gift of generosity.


How do you feel businesses can play a larger role in solving today’s biggest challenges? Do you have any specific stories or examples from your work or colleagues you can share?


Businesses must recognise that they exist in a wider context; they are not their own self-perpetuating ecosystems. I think it’s dangerous for businesses and industries to become echo chambers. Whether it’s through getting involved in local community initiatives or something much larger, it’s crucial for business leaders to have perspective and recognise context. It might be as simple as approaching a local organisation and asking “how can we help?”. Other people will know more than you. And that’s okay. At ProvenWorks, we worked with a tiny nonprofit going through a really rough time through no fault of their own. They were struggling when their renewal was due. So we gave them our solution for free. Sometimes it’s not about us and our own goals. It’s about seeing the bigger picture.


If you could describe yourself in one word what would that be and why?


Genuine. My partner tells me I’m exactly the same with everyone I meet, whether that’s meeting his senior colleagues, or relaxing with my own family. I like to think that I’m consistent in giving everyone the same attention and value.


If you could pick a song to guide you through 2022, which song would it be?


Don’t Lose Sight by Lawrence. To me, it’s an internal dialogue that no matter how cynical and self-doubtful you feel, you don’t give up.


What are you looking forward to this year? Are there any goals (personal or professional), activities, or experiences you are excited about?


This July I’m heading across the pond to Cincinnati, Ohio to compete to represent Reading Ultimate in the World Ultimate Club Championships. It’s my first World Championship and preparation is my main focus outside of work right now. I’m stoked!