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Miranda Elliott

Digital Marketing Manager, Ostendio

📍Herndon, USA


If you could describe yourself in one word, what would that be and why?

Optimistic - Staying optimistic and open-minded is my go-to strategy for tackling whatever comes my way, whether at work or in my personal life. It's all about believing in the goodness of people and finding unique ways to lend a helping hand through volunteering and giving back.


Looking ahead, I'm hopeful for a future where women leaders shine bright and get the recognition they truly deserve!


Pledge 1% provides a framework for businesses to do good. Do you think it’s important for today’s corporate leaders to prioritize social impact? If so, why?

In the post-pandemic era, employees of all backgrounds and ages prioritize work-life balance. For many, working for a company with a strong social impact philosophy is crucial when choosing an employer.


Studies show that younger generations, in particular, value employers who prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, along with social responsibility. Ostendio joined Pledge 1% in 2017 and, despite being a small organization, Ostendio's founders have prioritized giving back since day one. Not only is this the right thing to do but we've found that this approach attracts employees who value the impact of their work on the community, enhancing retention and satisfaction.


As one employee shared in our recent company culture survey, "It makes me happy to go to work again... it's focused on being good in the world."


Do you give back to the community with your team and work? If so, what does this look like?

At Ostendio, with our team spread across the US and India, volunteering together in person isn't always feasible. But that doesn't hold us back! One way we overcame this challenge was to partner with organizations, like Goodera, to create opportunities for us to volunteer together virtually, bridging the challenges faced with distance and time zones. We coordinate volunteer days and share ideas and stories on Slack to keep each other motivated and engaged.


Additionally, Ostendio generously matches employee donations up to $1000 per employee, amplifying our impact on causes ranging from animal rescues to environmental conservation and beyond.


Ostendio also offers our security and compliance platform on a pro bono basis to non-profit organizations. This means that all employees are involved in supporting these organizations daily as part of their regular jobs. Together, no matter where we are, we're making a meaningful difference in our communities.


Miranda volunteering Food for Neighbors - Miranda Elliott.JPG


What’s the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Be kind. It's a simple yet powerful reminder that everyone's fighting their own battles. My former boss taught me that nobody wakes up wanting to do a bad job. If someone's struggling, maybe they're just in the wrong role or lacking support.


A little kindness can go a long way in making someone's day brighter. Showing kindness can make a difference, not just in the moment but in the long run too. It's amazing how far a little bit of kindness can take you!


This year’s International Women’s Day themes are focused on investing in women and inspiring inclusion. What can we do to make today’s workplaces more equitable and inclusive for women?

Creating a welcoming workplace for everyone is a priority at Ostendio, and our Culture Club plays a big role in that effort. I would encourage other organizations to establish employee groups to discuss the issues of inclusion and find ways that work for the culture of their organization.


At Ostendio, we focus on social responsibility and provide DEI training to all employees annually. This helps ensure everyone starts on the same page when it comes to understanding DEI. By raising awareness and embracing our unique differences, we foster an environment where everyone feels valued. Our flexible work policies support work-life balance, and we actively track gender demographics in an effort to ensure equality across all levels of management.


Measurement of any initiative is essential so that you can see over time if you are making progress or need to make some adjustments to meet your goals. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that individuals may take career breaks for various reasons, and those breaks should not negatively impact their careers upon their return to teh workplace. It is also important to understand how different people work and share their perspectives. For example, not everyone speaks up in group settings, so we need to train supervisors to understand and appreciate different work styles. When everyone feels heard and valued, that's when organizations truly thrive.


What advice do you have for women who are just starting their career?

Don't underestimate yourself. I've noticed that I tend to downplay my achievements, something I'm actively trying to improve. Research indicates that men are more likely to apply for jobs even if they don't meet all the qualifications, while women often hold back unless they meet every criterion. So, it's important to acknowledge your accomplishments, understand your worth in your field, and confidently highlight your successes. Having a supportive network of mentors can also be incredibly impactful.


"Don't underestimate yourself."


Early in my career, I was lucky to have a supervisor who championed my promotion and helped me realize my true value, especially when I wasn't being properly valued.


What are you looking forward to this year? Are there any goals (personal or professional), activities, or experiences you are excited about?

On a personal note, I'm excited to travel to reconnect with family and friends scattered across the globe.


On the professional side, we have new leadership at Ostendio and I'm looking forward to introducing the Culture Club and its achievements to a new audience.


I'm also eager to dive deeper into my role in the Ostendio Culture Club. We're always brainstorming fresh ways to inspire team members to give back and volunteer. With our generous 6 days of paid time off for volunteering, I'm excited to explore new avenues of community impact and encourage others to join in!