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Zsuzsanna Recsey

CEO, Standing on Giants
📍London, UK


If you could describe yourself in one word, what would that be and why?
If I had to describe myself in one word that would be related to coaching and it most probably would be "Empowering."


To me, coaching is fundamentally about helping individuals reach their potential and enhance their performance on their own terms. This involves facilitating their learning process, rather than merely teaching them. The most gratifying moments for me are witnessing those breakthroughs where individuals realise something pivotal, quite often sparking profound change. As a certified coach, I've had the privilege of facilitating these discoveries with my clients. Moreover, as a leader, I integrate this empowering approach into my daily business interactions, fostering a learning and growth environment.


Pledge 1% provides a framework for businesses to do good. Do you think it’s important for today’s corporate leaders to prioritize social impact? If so, why?
The real question isn't whether corporate leaders should prioritize social impact, but why they wouldn't. Our latest B Corp recertification, which saw a 14-point improvement even as our business significantly expanded, demonstrates how combining social impact with business success is not just feasible but also advantageous. Emphasizing People, Planet, and Profit together proves to be not only possible but genuinely rewarding.


During a team discussion about a client's shift to complex scoring models for measuring objectives, I asked the team how they felt about this challenging change, half-expecting frustration. However, a community engagement manager shared a perspective that truly embodies our ethos. Despite her lack of full understanding of the new system, she was unwavering in her commitment. "I will continue to prioritize our members, focusing on meaningful engagement. The metrics will align as a result of our genuine efforts," she stated. The team's full endorsement of her viewpoint was both affirming and inspiring.


Do you give back to the community with your team and work? If so, what does this look like?
We are fortunate to have the opportunity to build and nurture communities through our core business activities, where we assist companies in engaging with their customers in meaningful ways. In addition to this, we are committed to making a positive impact by providing financial support to carefully selected causes on a consistent and structured basis. A portion of the fees from our largest financial transactions is dedicated to chosen charities (through a B Corp partner).

Our efforts are also tailored to support issues that resonate with our diverse team and areas where we believe our unique skills can have the greatest effect.

For instance, in response to the crisis in Ukraine, our contribution extended beyond merely collecting and matching donations to charities aiding refugees. Leveraging the rich linguistic capabilities within our team, we were offering translation services during work hours, as part of an official program, to further support the cause. This initiative is a good example how we can utilize our specific talents for a significant impact.


What’s the best piece of advice you've ever received?
The best advice I've ever received unfolded around the dinner table, where two of my father's friends shared differing views on my next steps: pursuing a Master's degree after my Bachelor's or starting my career immediately. I chose further education, a decision my parents wholeheartedly supported. This path wasn't just about accumulating knowledge; it was an investment in my future. Through additional degrees and various qualifications, I gained not only expertise but also invaluable experiences and opportunities that lead to a rewarding and successful career.


This year’s International Women’s Day themes are focused on investing in women and inspiring inclusion. What can we do to make today’s workplaces more equitable and inclusive for women?
I would pick two initiatives, through which companies can make the workplace more welcoming and supportive for women of all ages.


Flexible work and support for younger women. Understanding that younger women often balance work with caregiving or parenting, it's important to offer flexible work options like remote work, flexible hours, or part-time roles. Additionally, creating supportive policies is crucial. This means things like longer parental leave, help with childcare, and options for emergency situations. For instance, a company could help cover some childcare costs or work with local childcare centers to offer discounts to employees.


Support for women experiencing menopause. For employees going through menopause, being able to work flexibly is really helpful. But there's more that can be done, like educating everyone in the workplace about menopause. This includes teaching male employees and managers what menopause is about so they can be more understanding.


Workshops or information sessions can be set up to share knowledge about menopause and how it affects women, along with ways to support colleagues going through it. Creating an environment where everyone knows and respects what women experiencing menopause are going through makes the workplace better for everyone.


What advice do you have for women who are just starting their career?
Surround yourself with mentors, sponsors, and peers who encourage and guide you. Look for role models who inspire you and can offer practical advice from their experiences.

Learn to advocate for yourself; whether it’s negotiating your salary, asking for a promotion, or seeking opportunities for growth. Understand your worth and don’t shy away from pursuing what you deserve. And one more, as you climb the career ladder, don't forget to support other women along their journey.


Understand your worth and don’t shy away from pursuing what you deserve.


What are you looking forward to this year? Are there any goals (personal or professional), activities, or experiences you are excited about?
I'm excited about wrapping up our strategic plan that aligns with our core purpose for the upcoming three years, especially after successfully achieving the goals of our previous three-year plan, which included both business and social impacts.


Looking ahead, we aim to continue our sustainable growth and broaden our social impact to reach even more stakeholders. At the same time, we're focused on enhancing employee participation in decision-making and shaping the future direction of our company.


On a personal note, one of the highlights for me this year will be attending some of the events at the Paris Olympics with my son.