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Did you mean: Keys to the Classroom - Education Portal.png is a leading online education platform that provides academic support for over 30 million learners and educators a month. Recognized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for meeting Level IV evidence standards for improving K12 learning outcomes, provides concise and compelling digital content that spans K12, higher education and professional test prep. 


At, we have an unwavering commitment to making education accessible for underserved learners, non-traditional students, and educators. With over $27m donated across our various social impact programs and a philanthropic commitment to Pledge 1%, all our contributions focus on increasing access and equity in education. Our Keys to the Classroom program is the pinnacle of this vision.


Nationally, 50% of teacher candidates fail the PRAXIS, a common teacher certification exam, on the first try and a quarter never pass. These pass rates disproportionately affect people of color, with 38% of Black candidates never passing. Keys to the Classroom aims to combat the teacher shortage around the nation and to increase the diversity of America's teacher pipeline by helping future educators prepare for and pass their teacher certification exams, such as the PRAXIS.


How it works: We donate licenses for our test preparation software to partners – school districts, colleges and universities, and education nonprofits – who then distribute those licenses to aspiring teachers preparing for testing. Keys to the Classroom is active across 16 states, including Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, California, Vermont, Tennessee, and more.


Why it matters: Students of color represent over half of the school population, yet the national teaching corps is largely white—only 19% of teachers identify as people of color. Representation in the classroom is critical, as studies show students are more likely to succeed and face reduced rates of exclusionary discipline when paired with a teacher of the same race or ethnicity.


"Keys to the Classroom seeks to reduce testing barriers so educators of all backgrounds and ethnicities can access the teaching profession," said Dana Bryson, senior vice president of social impact at "Teacher certification exams often prevent otherwise qualified teachers from being able to reach the classroom. We need to ensure aspiring educators have the tools they need to reach and succeed in the classroom."


By the numbers: 


Since our program launched a year ago, we're proud to share that Keys to the Classroom reports:


  • Donations totaling $4m in test prep materials  
  • 23 programs across 16 states 
  • Hundreds of teacher cadets enrolled nationwide, including 50% who identify as people of color. Over a third identify as Black, which is 5x higher than the national teaching corps representation
  • 92% of teachers who use to prepare for their licensure exam report passing


In the words of Marcella Wine-Snyder of the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention and Advancement (CERRA) in South Carolina, "This first-of-its-kind partnership with will provide opportunities and access that mitigate educational disparities and accelerate the certification process for many prospective teachers."