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Supporting the communities where we live and work has always been an integral part of Alteryx’s culture and our employee experience which is why we are proud to partner with Pledge 1% to donate our time to give back to our local communities. Our Alteryx for Good (AFG) program includes giving each associate 20 paid hours per year to volunteer with any verified nonprofit organization that is meaningful to them. Meanwhile, our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team curates quarterly events that invite our global workforce to engage with an outstanding network of nonprofit organizations we support, making it that much easier for them to give back, connect with one another, and take those much-needed brain breaks from their computers.



One of our most popular volunteering opportunities is with the The Ecology Center, a 28-acre regenerative organic farm, located in San Juan Capistrano, nearby to our corporate headquarters in Irvine, CA. During our most recent event there, 40 Alteryx associates from a variety of departments, including several C-level executives, contributed approximately 120 hours of their time to giving back. The Ecology Center is an amazing place. It is one of the last remaining organic farms in Orange County and it aims to teach volunteers and visitors the importance and critical need of creating and maintaining ecologically sustainable systems, better understanding where our food comes from, and to be a source for vocational training and apprenticeships.


Their mission aligns with one of Alteryx’s core CSR pillars: Sustainability.


At Alteryx, we are proud of the relationships we have formed with several nonprofits and various environmental organizations committed to building more sustainable and resilient local communities. In addition to our work with the Ecology Center, we also partner with the Boulder Watershed Collective in Colorado, the Newport Bay Conservancy in Southern California, the Thompson Island Outward Bound Program at the Boston Harbor Islands, and have raised money for One Tree Planted and charity: water.


We are also committed to integrating sustainable practices into our business and accelerating actions to reduce our environmental impact, because we know change starts at home. Our Alter.Eco employee resource group (ERG) was formed in 2020 and advocates for driving positive environmental changes, both at home and in the office, to create a more sustainable future. Alteryx is committed to being a more sustainable company and we are ready to accelerate investment in this space.


What’s next on our journey?


This year, Alteryx will conduct its first-ever environmental, social, and governance (ESG) materiality assessment, which will help identify ESG issues that are material to our company. It is the first step towards moving environmental and social considerations from siloed initiatives to a core criterion for company-wide decision-making. Following the results of the materiality assessment, we will audit our global carbon footprint to understand where our company generates the most negative impact on the environment and where we have opportunity to offset that negative impact, honing our strategy for subsequent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


To get a sense of how our sustainability partnerships operate, take a peek at the video we made that highlights our relationship with the Ecology Center. During our most recent volunteering event, we helped make several clay bricks from soil from the farm (it’s not easy work!) and managed to weed half a field of asparagus, which helped destroy one-quarter acre of weed seed!! Most importantly, however, we connected with the Ecology Center’s cause, each other, and the world around us in a deeply meaningful and impactful way.

1 Comment
Social Impact, Splunk

Love to see Alteryx's commitment to sustainability in action!