

This piece is shared as part of Pledge 1%’s #GivingTuesdayNow campaign, which highlights how Pledge 1% members and the business community are coming together as a force for good to combat COVID-19.


Originally published on TaskRabbit’s blog.


Here at TaskRabbit, we’re passionate about our core values. These values guide us to care deeply, level up, lead the future together, and be better neighbors, and we strive to live by them every day. They’ve also inspired us to give back to the communities in which we operate — and help make them better places to live.


To do so, we created TaskRabbit for Good (TR4G). TR4G makes it easier for clients, Taskers, and our employees to give back locally and make a difference on issues that matter. A portion of TaskRabbit’s service fee from all TR4G initiatives is donated to local nonprofits tackling challenges aligned with our goals — strengthening communities and helping neighbors in need find work and a place to call home. Keep reading to learn more about what TR4G and what we are doing to support our neighbors.


Community Grants


We support small, grassroots organizations aligned with our mission to help our neighbors in need find work and/or a place to call come. Grants are funded through profits from donation drop-off tasks and contributions from TaskRabbit employees.


Workforce Development


We partner with community-based organizations to help individuals in need earn a meaningful, flexible income on our platform through leveling up their skills and work experience as Taskers.


Local Volunteerism


We empower Taskers, clients, and employees to give back to the communities we call home through organized volunteer opportunities at local charities doing incredible work. We challenge our employees to think globally about their impact and how we can all use TaskRabbit as a force for good, including our Tasks for Good initiative. Tasks For Good allows vulnerable populations to get the help they need — at no cost. Through Tasks For Good you can become a volunteer Tasker and help your neighbors who need it most.


Pledge 1%


In November 2019 TaskRabbit joined the Pledge 1% movement along with thousands of other companies worldwide, to strengthen communities by helping neighbors in need find work and a place to call home. Given the unique nature of our technology platform, which connects people looking for work to those who need help around the home, our TR4G mission — and now our commitment to Pledge 1% — built into our DNA since day one.


How You Can Get Involved


Book A Donation Drop-Off


If you have items you’re looking to donate, book a Tasker to pick them up and donate them to your preferred charity. When you do, TaskRabbit will give a portion of the service fee from your donation drop-off tasks to local nonprofits through our TaskRabbit for Good Grants.




You can now add a $1 donation to your next task! When you do, it will go directly to partner organizations helping your neighbors who need it most.


Become A Partner


The TaskRabbit for Good team partners with nonprofit organizations and companies looking to positively impact the communities in which they operate. Have a great idea of how we could work together to make an impact? Email us at