PLEDGE 1% vision: A new business paradigm whereby social impact is integrated into the DNA of companies of all sizes and stages.
Impact to Date
Pledge 1% has experienced incredible growth since its inception:
• 150% growth per year
• Over ½ billion in new philanthropy ignited by members
• Over 8,500 companies in 100 countries
• Named Fast Company’s most innovative non profit in the world in 2017
Addteq is proud to Take the pledge 1% more than three years ago. Since joining, Addteq actively participates in Pledge 1% initiatives within the community and continues to plant the seed of giving back within Addteq’s culture.
“During the new employee orientation we host a new team members welcome breakfast at our Princeton office. And, during the welcome breakfast I host an impact activity ( Thank you to Amy. Lesnick, CEO of pledge 1% for giving me this idea). How the impact activity takes place – we have a canvas in the office and during the breakfast the new employees receive information about the Pledge 1% and room2read and giving back programs.
I also, make sure that our recruiters mention giving back to the community while recruiting new hires. The reason I ask our recruiters to mention to each and every person they speak to over phone become 1. It’s unique identifier over and our competitive edge. 2. I want to make sure that even if the person on the phone won’t end up working at Addteq and if they will hear about pledge 1% and room2read they may become active members or contributors in the near future. So, its win win”
-Amanda Deol, Partner at Addteq
Pledge 1% celebrated their 4th anniversary on November 27th, 2018 by ringing the opening bell at NASDAQ! In celebration of Pledge 1%’s Fourth Anniversary, core founders and builders stood together and rang the Nasdaq Stock Market Opening Bell. Addteq was proud to be listed alongside these amazing companies.
Pledge 1% celebrated their 4th anniversary on November 27th, 2018 by ringing the opening bell at NASDAQ! In celebration of Pledge 1%’s Fourth Anniversary, core founders and builders stood together and rang the Nasdaq Stock Market Opening Bell. Addteq was proud to be listed alongside these amazing companies.
Addteq Founder Sukhbir Dhillon and Partner & Wife Amanda Deol attending the Pledge 1% 4th Anniversary celebration at NASDAQ.
Why join Pledge1% Builder’s network with Addteq
Addteq Joined the Pledge 1% builder’s network in November 2018. Pledge 1% builders, is a group of companies that are investing in the future of Pledge 1%.
We are excited to be part of the core funders and builders who are not only having a direct impact with their own social impact programs, but also committed to building the Pledge 1% movement and propelling thousands of other companies to accelerate social impact globally. Builders are the future of the Pledge 1% movement. Builders serve as thought leaders, advisors, and supporters to the initiative. They enable pledge1% to educate and empower the community and drive impact at scale.
Pledge 1%’s core funders include tech leaders like Salesforce and Atlassian, and Pledge 1% Builders include recent IPOs like DocuSign, Pluralsight, and Upwork, hot acquisitions like SendGrid and Weebly, as well as some of today’s fastest growing companies like Addteq, Appfire, Box, Classy, Cloud Co-Op, Contentstack, Crunchbase, Flexport, Gliffy, Hint Inc., MapAnything, MediaMath, Okta, Optimizely, PagerDuty, Postmates, Silicon Valley Bank, Silverline, and Twilio. Influential tech ecosystem partners have also backed the movement, including 500 Startups, Foundry Group, Salesforce Ventures, StartCon, SV Angel, Techstars, TechCrunch, and WebSummit. Read more.
Addteq’s Pledge% in practice
Addteq’s Pledge 1% initiative is to donate 1% of Excellentable revenue to sponsor the students who are smart enough to be an aspiring Engineer but, are not fortunate enough to afford the school fees. Some of our other recent initiatives include: We are with Women , Spotlight on #BeBoldForChange Campaign at Addteq , Giving Back to Community: Addteq’s Story , Small first steps turn into a search for Einsteins , Iris Foundation , A Transformational time for women around the world, World Read Aloud Day from a Enterprise DevOPS Engineer and most recent fundraiser with book author Oanh Ngo and Room2read New Jersey Chapter to celebrate international Day of Women. Few our employees at Addteq donate their 1% their paycheck toward Iris foundation and room2read. And, we continue to activate and expand Pledge 1% program within our company culture.
Why Give Via Room2Read & Why Invest in Education and How you can get Involved
Addteq wanted to offer the opportunity to continue education with a tuition reimbursement program and flexible work schedules. We were set out to allocate one tuition reimbursement for the year. However, we exceeded our original goal and allocated three tuition reimbursements for employees. Two of the three recipients were women. According to the Department of Labor, only 11% of all engineers in the U.S. are women. Among computer programmers, the situation is only slightly better. According to a Wired study, only 26% of all American coders are women. To solidify and strengthen the impact of Pledge 1% and Room2Read Addteq’s 2018 holiday party was dedicated to #donotreadthis Room2Read campaign and Pledge 1%. We nominated and awarded the employees based on the activities with Pledge 1% , Room2Read and volunteerism and giving back.
Addteq’s founder grew up in a humble environment, in a home that was only 150 square feet. He believes that in order to take this society forward, everyone should have an opportunity to education. Here at Addteq, we are strong believers of giving back to the community and launched the Iris Foundation in 2015. The purpose of the Iris Foundation is to help provide scholarships to students who are smart enough to become engineers but not privileged enough to pay for school fees. We believe every child deserves to become what they want to be. When you are in poverty and don’t have any resources to climb up, education is the only way to success.
In February of 2019 I was in India for my sister’s engagement celebration. While I was in India I visited many villages in state of Punjab, city of Pune and Delhi.
Throughout my trip in Delhi and Pune I visited many places which were 5 star hotels, penthouses. While busy in conversations, sipping on drinks and fancy coffee, something really bothered me: children begging on streets. I kept thinking about the little kids, little girls and boys, I saw begging on streets, or doing child labor in front of restaurants, bars & hotels (of course they were not allowed in front of the main gate). I asked many people why they are begging. Some said that their parents send them on street to beg, some said their families are poor, some said parents take drugs while others said that it’s just a business. The answers I got were neither convincing nor did they answer any questions I had about the children. I do know that giving money to child beggars won’t help anyone in the long run, but at same time I don’t want to look the other side or the cycle of poverty will never break. I remember the concept Sukbhir Dhillon, CEO of Addteq always refers to “Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.” He believes that in order to take this society forward, everyone should have an opportunity to education. Based on that Addteq will continue to invest in education and continue to invest in programs like Room2Read and Pledge 1% .
One of Partner Amanda Deol’s goal at Addteq is “Think globally, act locally” that being said being in Princeton, NJ we have abundance of wealth of resources in our community. In April Addteq will be sponsoring 49th Annual Communiversity event by Art council of Princeton. We will be donating our sponsored booth to Room2Read New Jersey Chapter so, we can spread the word about Room2Read.
What is Communiversity?
It’s produced by the Arts Council of Princeton with participation from the students of Princeton University and support from the town of Princeton, Communiversity ArtsFest features over 200 booths showcasing original art and contemporary crafts, unique merchandise and culinary masterpieces from local chefs, plus six stages of continuous live entertainment. Communiversity ArtsFest draws over 40,000 art lovers and fun seekers to downtown Princeton, making it Central New Jersey’s largest and longest running cultural event. So, do the math for Room2Read awareness………….. I am personally excited to volunteer at the booth and talk to the community about Room2Read.
PLEDGE1 Today: join the Pledge 1% Builder’s and give back via Room2Read.