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Less than 8% of people in low-income countries have been vaccinated compared to more than 60% in high-income countries. That means 1 in every 13 people in a low-income country has received their first vaccine compared to 1 in every 2 people in high-income countries which continue to stockpile more vaccines while others continue to wait. With the risk of mutations and a ripple effect on the global economy, vaccine inequity and rising COVID-19 rates impact us all.


By donating $5 to Go Give One, you can fund one COVID-19 vaccine for someone most in need and help end the pandemic. We’re all on the same team in the fight to end the COVID-19 pandemic. What gift could be better? 


Interested in engaging your employees and external partners in this campaign?  Check out our Marketing Resources for the Go Give One Donation Giving Season Communications Toolkit . Make sure to subscribe to the Marketing Resources for updates on  toolkits and collective action! 

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