

This piece is shared as part of Pledge 1%’s #GivingTuesdayNow campaign, which highlights how Pledge 1% members and the business community are coming together as a force for good to combat COVID-19.


A letter from our CEO:


Hello from Houston. Our city has been on lockdown since mid-March and the Endiem team watched as the world and economy responded to the pandemic. 


There are few things we cannot control just now – but we can control how we choose to contribute during this uncertain time. At Endiem, we are choosing to contribute with intention.  


This means taking care of our community, which not only includes everyone in the extended Endiem family but also our beloved Houston area as a whole. That’s why we are thrilled to be part of the #GivingTuesdayNow movement.


In response to the CO-VID crisis, Endiem doubled its monthly donations to local non-profit Kid’s Meals, which feeds thousands of pre-school children in Houston every day. With schools closed many kids have lost the two regular meals they depended on each day. Kid’s Meals stepped up to fill that void by packaging and delivering thousands of extra nutritious sack lunches to homes to make sure Houston’s kids are fed. Endiem’s stepped up to provide extra funding for those lunches and snacks.


Throughout the year the Endiem team is granted paid Volunteer Time Off (VTO). Last week, Advantage by Endiem analyst Laura Martin used her VTO to bag lunches at Kid’s Meals. And off of our team members have been given an extra half-day of VTO this week in solidarity with #GivingTuesdayNow. 


“At Endiem we believe in deeds, not words. Our community is suffering and we must act. The need is now so we’re taking action to help however we can – with cash, with time, and with hands-on volunteering,” says Geraldine Gray, Endiem’s CEO. 


We’re creating an environment where compassion and flexibility rule while fulfilling customer needs and keeping in mind that everyone’s struggling with new routines and, for some, unsure futures. 


Every Thursday we hold an “open mic” session that welcomes employees, partners, and clients to Zoom into as a space to be human and vulnerable during this crisis. Yes, we talk about our feelings. The feedback regarding these sessions has been phenomenal – we laugh, we pray, we send good thoughts, we sometimes shed a tear but we always end on a hopeful note.


Join us as we support #GivingTuesdayNow. We’ll get through this together because we’re in this together and because you know us at Endiem you know that we’re all in. Stay safe, stay well, and stay sane.


Endiem is the largest independent Salesforce consulting partner in Houston. We help organizations discover, design, and build Salesforce solutions that help businesses achieve their goals. Find us on Twitter