

Originally published on The Coinbase Blog.

  • Accelerating the development of crypto protocols that underpin the cryptoeconomy
  • Fostering the next generation of crypto talent, no matter where they are located


Our three initial areas of focus


1. Bringing GiveCrypto into the Coinbase family as a Coinbase 501(c)(3) foundationGiveCrypto was founded in 2018 with a mission to financially empower people by distributing cryptocurrency globally. We’ve long had a relationship with GiveCrypto, but by transitioning its efforts into a private foundation of Coinbase we can substantially increase funding, and offer Coinbase customers the opportunity to give directly to the programs that they want to support.

Employee match program


In addition to the initiatives outlined above, beginning in June, we will begin matching on a one-for-one basis any employee donation to a qualified 501(c)(3) (or international equivalent) up to $500. As we pilot this program this year, we’re excited to support our team and the causes and organizations they are passionate about.