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2024 #WomenWhoLead covers (Instagram Post).png


Ailsa Blair

Founder & CEO, Drag Me
📍Vancouver, BC (CA) & Dover, DE (US)


If you could describe yourself in one word, what would that be and why?
Empathetic - other people's experiences matter to me. Whether they're interacting with me personally, or professionally, I always want to be cognizant of other's experiences and how they may differ to mine. My aim is to ensure I am creating a safe space for those around me, whether they be friends, family, other professionals or colleagues.


Pledge 1% provides a framework for businesses to do good. Do you think it’s important for today’s corporate leaders to prioritize social impact? If so, why?
Yes. The world is kind of on fire right now. The last five years alone have seen a shift in social justice. We're currently witnessing the retaliation of that in the form of discriminatory Bills across all US states. If we don't stand up and fight now, this will be the start of further discrimination. Banding together to stand up to hatred is vital for our future.


Do you give back to the community with your team and work? If so, what does this look like?
Drag Me is a platform that lets drag enthusiasts easily purchase tickets or merchandise, helps performers showcase their online brand, and provides venue owners with a new channel for promoting upcoming events. We are proud to help improve the economic landscape for 2SLGBTQIA* folks and for drag artists.


What’s the best piece of advice you've ever received?
My father always taught me to "Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best", and it's often allowed me to feel some comfort going into difficult moments that are bound to challenge me.


Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.


This year’s International Women’s Day themes are focused on investing in women and inspiring inclusion. What can we do to make today’s workplaces more equitable and inclusive for women?
Blind hiring is a great option. have "diversity browsing", which allows hiring managers to view resumes and portfolios without bias. They describe the feature as follows: "We believe that all hiring should be based exclusively on what unique skillset and experiences the candidate has to offer. With our “Diversity Browsing” feature, all names and images are removed from the job seekers profile, thereby ensuring that all candidates are given equal opportunity, regardless of the colour of their skin, gender identity or whom they choose to love."


What advice do you have for women who are just starting their career?
Do not let workplaces, managers, or leaders gaslight you into thinking your own feelings and perception is wrong. Workplaces often have at least a few biases that directly affect their employees, customers, and processes. Find other underrepresented group members that you feel comfortable talking to in these moments. Having a support system at work is helpful in those moments. Surround yourself with people who believe in a equitable company.


What are you looking forward to this year? Are there any goals (personal or professional), activities, or experiences you are excited about?
Releasing the Drag Me platform to both Fans and Artists prior to Pride season. Being able to interact and serve other fans of drag is a hugely rewarding experience, and unites a few of my major passions into one role.


drag-me - Ailsa Blair.png