We at ABSYZ are committed to giving back to others with the help of our expertise in Salesforce Implementations. We recently did an implementation as a part of our Pledge 1%  for a Non-Profit Organization called Global Alliance of Mass Entrepreneurship (G.A.M.E). 



The organization(G.A.M.E) helps varied entrepreneurs succeed in their respective domains by providing them facilities with an engaging and connected experience all over the globe along with the help of their Donors and the Grants they receive. Whether it might be connecting an entrepreneur to a financial sponsor, or providing them a volunteer/technical hand to carry out different tasks, G.A.M.E is always present and ready to help out!


G.A.M.E was managing their everyday tasks with pen & paper mostly, and a part of it on Google sheets & Excel. They have a team of about 30+ members and each of the member’s locations were different based on the tasks they were assigned/carrying out. 


It resulted in a lag of collaboration & the process was time consuming as it was scattered & not unified. Some or the other way they were missing out a connected experience for the entire team and wanted that to be resolved. 

Their main aim was to collate/unify everything in a single place where they could manage their everyday tasks very efficiently and effectively without losing much time figuring out about pieces of information, work pieces and have a unified view (360 View of tasks ongoing/business processes being carried out). 


That is where the Salesforce Customer 360 Platform came into the picture!! 


Implementation Story:


As a part of our(ABSYZ)  Pledge 1% support we carried out a Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) Sales Cloud implementation for G.A.M.E  to unify their business processes and workflows together at a single place, providing a 360 view of their tasks and processes to each of their team members. Thus helping them automate a lot of tasks leveraging the Salesforce platform and providing a single 360 view of their entire business process.


After days and hours of gathering the requirements over calls and after understanding G.A.M.E’s pain points and processes, we concluded the modules that were to be implemented and included in the Salesforce Application. 

Few of the modules involved:  1. Partner & Partner Contact Management 2.Grants & Grantee’s Management 3. Programs Management 4. Taskforce & Project Management 5.Volunteer Management


A little dive about the modules and how we designed the Solution : 


Overview of the solution : We designed the solution mostly using the standard objects available in Salesforce Sales Cloud and using the declarative tools mostly. We included customizations involving use of apex accordingly and as required. Use of custom objects were included in few of the modules. The solution is purely automation centric leveraging the standard declarative tools of the salesforce platform. 


  1. Partner & Partner Contact Management : GAME works with different partners such as Alliance partners, Eco. System partners etc. The partners provide them Grants and Donations which G.A.M.E leverages to help out the budding entrepreneurs in the ecosystem. They wanted to have a track on when a partner was last contacted and when the partner should be approached again for a meeting/follow up by sending a reminder to the secretariat(managing) team at G.A.M.E, and also maintain a dedicated/multiple contacts for the partner. Using the Salesforce Standard Sales Cloud Objects  and automation tools using workflows and process builder this module was addressed and automated.
  2. Grants & Grantee’s Management : The team at GAME wanted the Grants assigned to be tracked along with the Grantees. They wanted to have a visualisation of analytics where they could see the number of Grants provided and also work on the queue of the process accordingly. This was achieved using the standard object, and using the standard report formats available in the salesforce platform and custom fields as per requirement.
  3. Programs Management : This module focuses on keeping a track of the programs & initiatives which are run by the managing team at GAME. Programs are run and specific (one to one) to the Grants received. We followed the same standard centric solution approach to address this module.
  4. Taskforce & Project Management : A project is associated with a program, Taskforce teams vary according to their domain expertise and also locations, A program is assigned with Task Forces to achieve tasks/fulfill the outcome.
  5. Volunteer Management : There are people who voluntarily approach the managing team at GAME to provide helping hands in a particular project. The team wanted to store the data of various volunteers and mentors and associate them to a project. Keeping track of volunteers on-boarded and the projects assigned to them/projects they were involved in. 


All the modules follow a standard solution approach, involving automations and reporting. Customizations have been done where the solution was not achievable using standard approach.


Finally, once the solution was implemented and after testing it on different levels, UAT (User Acceptance Testing) including involvement of end users from their team we went for a Go-live on May 15th 2020. 


The Implementation was concluded/completed within a span of 3 weeks (including requirement Gathering sessions to Go live).


As the world was hit by COVID-19 it became very difficult for the team to manage their processes using pen & paper and following GAME’s old approach and the team was eager to have their entire process moved & automated to the Salesforce platform where they could have an unified 360 view of their entire process. We the Implementation team at ABSYZ have gone above and beyond to fulfill that and help them out in their customer success journey!!