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darwinLabs takes as one of its core values Add Value to our customers, to our community, and to society in general. It is within this scope that every year, darwinLabs contributes to, at least, one social cause.



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Regarding the pandemic and working indoors, during 2021 darwinLabs chose to motivate each employee to exercise for a social cause. It was a very good way to keep people motivated in the need of others, and for themselves, getting out of their houses and their comfort zones.


3 times this year we’ve launched a Strava event, where people could choose to walk, run or cycle. In the end, a total of 2945.72 km were converted in Euros and given to three different non-profit organizations contributing to social good.


We have started the year donating to Ajuda de Berço, which works with new mothers and babies in need, then, Terra dos Sonhos, which fulfills the dreams of kids with cancer and in the 3rd round, we ended this year’s cycle, helping elders to feel less lonely through many types of volunteering, through Coração Amarelo.