What is your name and title?


Ruchi Saxena, Team Lead, Ceptes.


Briefly describe your role at your company:


My role is to provide direction, instructions, and guidance to my team to achieve a certain goal:

  • Develop a strategy the team will use to reach its goal.

  • Provide any training that team members need.

  • Listen to team members’ feedback (I always prefer to spend some time with each of my team members individually on a weekly basis).

  • Manage the flow of day-to-day operations.


How long have you been in your current position?


3 years


What advice do you have for women who are just starting their career?


Be focused and confident.

  1. Have a vision, a purpose in professional life and set your goals straight.

  2. Focus towards what skills you need to achieve your goals and work towards it.

  3. It’s always better to say NO than regret. Learn to say “No” to what you are not committed or ready for.

  4. Don’t afraid to discuss your past achievements. Learn to apply your college experience in career.

  5. Good thing comes to those who work towards it. Don’t procrastinate.

  6. Build the ability to speak about your success.


Do you serve as a mentor?  If so, what does mentorship mean to you?


I am leading a team of 5+ highly trained professionals. I believe in hiring people smarter than me and encourage them to bring their best forward to the table.


Leadership doesn’t need any title, one has to earn it. I strongly believe being a true leader means to lead by example. I set the goals, define actions, ask for accountability thereby drive the results.


I don’t micromanage team instead transfer the sense of responsibility to an individual for greater contribution and ownership.


Lastly, I share the “Wins” with the team and “Owns” the failures.


What’s the one piece of advice you would give to yourself 5 years ago?


That is the time when I start my career, I was always giving excuses to myself,

  1. Stop procrastinating

  2. Believe in yourself

  3. Have a vision

  4. Don’t wait for change, be the change

  5. Learning is a journey, not a destination

  6. Be the person you want your daughter to be.

  7. Lastly, be persistent and discipline. The only factor that will differentiate you from others.


Are you reading anything interesting at the moment? Please share your most recent favorite read!


“The Magic of thinking BIG” by David Schwartz. I would suggest everyone to read this book at least once. This is a complete package to refrain you from so many things which are hurdles in your life.