

This piece is shared as part of Pledge 1%’s #GivingTuesdayNow campaign, which highlights how Pledge 1% members and the business community are coming together as a force for good to combat COVID-19.


As the realities of COVID-19 began to unfold, the first action Unbounce leadership took was to prioritize the health and safety of its people and their families. From the outset, Leslie Collin, VP of People & Culture, was transparent about her team’s commitment to receiving and sharing advice only from reputable sources and committed to a regular cadence of internal communications so that employees knew exactly when to expect updates from P&C. 


The company, most commonly known for its AI-powered landing page software, transitioned to a work-from-home environment early on and created channels to keep the team feeling connected- like virtual cafes, #fitbounce workouts via Zoom, and trivia events. Each employee was offered a $500 WFH allowance to spend on whatever they needed to transition to their new environment, including covering unexpected caregiving costs for children or other family members. Unbouncers were also assured that time taken due to illness during this period would not be deducted from their usual sick day balance. 


Most importantly, leadership asked that the team support one another and help each other to navigate this uncertain time. The following quote is a snippet of an email from Leslie Collin, VP of People & Culture, sent to the Unbounce team on March 17, 2020. 


“Unbounce is first and foremost a people-first, family-first company…we have fellow Unbouncers navigating unique circumstances as a result of this situation. Let’s help each other navigate …and consider how we can operate with a strong sense of flexibility and creativity around getting work done as we seek to accommodate what is new and uncharted territory for all of us.


It’s ok if you’re not as productive – that might happen, and we are ok with that. Perhaps you get a few hours of work done throughout the day, and hop on to do a few hours later in the evening – that’s ok. You might miss some important meetings due to juggling childcare – that’s ok. Deadlines and deliverable dates might have to change – that’s ok. To our people leaders, please be curious, assume positive intent, and ask how you can help.” (Leslie Collin, VP of People & Culture)


Next, Unbounce looked to support their customers, many of which are small businesses. These customers were experiencing a range of challenges – some were running into a complete lack of incoming revenue. Others, like those in ecommerce, were experiencing a surge in traffic they weren’t prepared for. Regardless of their situation, Unbounce didn’t want campaigns and software subscriptions to be piling stress onto an already stressful situation. They offered to set up one-on-one calls to work with each customer to determine how Unbounce could help them in their unique situation. You can learn more about their full approach here.


Unbounce has also been offering their Essential Plan for free to all not-for-profit, healthcare, education, and government organizations as their mission-critical services are needed now more than ever. 


Lastly, they built and curated a set of resources to help small businesses pivot online and ramp up their digital marketing:



In the spirit of giving what they’re good at, Unbounce will be donating time and expertise on May 5th to its nonprofit customers by offering free one-on-one strategy sessions for their landing pages. Nonprofits are being hit especially hard during this crisis, and Unbounce’s expertise in conversion optimization will help these organizations to ensure their pages are as effective as possible in converting donor/volunteer traffic on their pages.