We at Appluent feel very fortunate to be growing our company together as a team and understand that we’ve all had help getting this far in our own personal situations. Paying it forward is a philosophy to which we all subscribe and hold in high regard. That’s why we were so excited that a program like Pledge 1% existed. It provided us with an organized platform that helped us make sure our philanthropic efforts were maximized.
Angie hasn’t been able to work during treatment and has to drive 2 hours to each appointment. The family is under a lot of emotional and financial stress. This trip gave them a chance to smile, laugh, create memories and make love greater than cancer!
Upon their return home, Angie shared the impact of the trip with us.
“This was our only family trip in 10 years – and it was the trip of a lifetime! The memories we created replaced the bad memories we have of the cancer journey. For Pete’s Sake helped us push the reset button on life.” – Angie
Appluent has teams in the United States and India, which multiplies our ability to reach out and volunteer at local schools for underprivileged children, walk to raise money for cancer respites, and help nonprofits with Salesforce implementations.