Throughout the world there’s a steady increase in demand for timber, leaving a trail of devastation behind. Unsustainable and illegal timber logging satisfies the needs of many multi-million dollar companies, creating devastation to ecosystems and forest growth. The importance of fostering ethical business and for our industry to encourage clients towards sustainable interior design is becoming more important for future generations.

Closer to home, we face greater issues within Australia, with our beloved native species being threatened by deforestation and lack of conservation. The Plant a Tree for Me! is a non-for-profit organisation focused on rebuilding a healthy environment for our native species.  Their sustainable practice is helping rebuild years of damage caused by logging, fires, pests and human intervention through protecting, monitoring, stabilising and recovering areas for native flora and fauna species.


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In perspective, it takes up to 500 eucalyptus trees to create a thriving sanctuary for a group of koalas, which is often ravaged by human intervention. This reminder that our fauna heavily relies on their habitat to live, allows us to strive to make a difference by donating to plant a tree.  Through this ethical initiative, we can help rebuild tropical rainforests and the Australian bush that has been sadly impacted by furniture industries.


Sustainable interior design


As business owners in today’s time, Designbx acknowledges the ethical and environmental issues that are created by the furniture industry, and we strive to be a sustainable interior design business by:

  • Recycling
  • Conserving energy
  • Using environmentally-friendly technologies
  • Sourcing suppliers that produce sustainable products
  • Promoting sale of quality, long-lasting products

As part of our Pledge 1% commitment, we are supporting environmental programmes. Designbx will be planting a tree via Plant a Tree for Me! for every room package we sell.  




We would like each and every timber furniture item to be cherished and re-used for as long as possible. Even when sourced by sustainable suppliers, by reducing the demand and turnover for timber products will heavily benefit the conservation of our forests. Small steps like these will help create a healthier future for our beloved native species and allow future generations to enjoy this earth as we have.
Buy an interior design package and we’ll plant a tree!