At Strillobyte, we strongly believe that businesses, no matter the size, have a responsibility to improve the world we are living in. A ‘giving back’ business culture is fundamental to us to fulfil our mission.

As a company that builds chatbots, websites and mobile applications, we see tech as a tool that can empower people to spread their messages of hope and change all around the world.

The importance of giving a voice to these people is a mission to which Strillobyte pledges.


How does Strillobyte do that?


We pledge at least 1% of our time to give back to the community. As a micro-business, this type of commitment is the perfect fit for us. Our staff have very specific skills in designing and building digital products. At the beginning of 2018, we decided to offer our expertise to the team of volunteers who run TEDxLondon.

TEDxLondon is a non-profit organization devoted to spreading ideas surfacing hidden stories of London and Londoners that might not have a voice otherwise. At a TEDxLondon event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connections. All of our team have joined the organisation as volunteers, on average spending 2.5 hours per week on related activities. These include managing the TEDxLondon website, offering assistance and guidance with any tech-related issues and also helping with the communication strategy on the various social media channels.

Pledging part of our working hours to supporting TEDxLondon has helped Strillobyte achieve its goal of making a positive impact through our people. It has also improved our company culture, and we’ve had the opportunity to meet people with extraordinary stories and points of view that helped us grow as a team and as individuals.

We recommend joining the Pledge 1% initiative to all our fellow tech and creative companies around the world. Pledging 1% of your resources can be as a little as the equivalent of the time you spend in
your coffee breaks, but it can make a great difference to someone else’s life.