

This piece is shared as part of Pledge 1%’s #GivingTuesdayNow campaign, which highlights how Pledge 1% members and the business community are coming together as a force for good to combat COVID-19.


When news broke about the pandemic, Selfless.ly, an all-in-one corporate philanthropy management software startup sprang into action. 


“It became clear to us that a lot of resources would be going toward COVID-related issues, however there are many nonprofits that still need support and may not have a mission that relates. We asked – What can we be doing to help these causes stay sustainable?” – Joshua Driver, Cofounder of Selfless.ly.


Selfless.ly reached out to partner with Serve Indiana, a division of the Department of Workforce Development for the State of Indiana, and launched Virtual Giveback. The partnership centralizes nonprofit-focused resources and created a webinar series with subject matter experts to provide information on pressing issues being experienced during this time. In addition to informational sessions, Virtual Giveback provides instruction on self-care techniques and a communication channel for nonprofits to be heard.


“We know these amazing people are pouring from an empty cup, and we need to let them know that someone is here for them.” Said Driver.


After learning more about the current struggles facing the over 60 nonprofits that registered to be a part of the Virtual Giveback program, the team at Selfless.ly began to schedule free consulting sessions on helping nonprofits transition their volunteer opportunities into virtual ones. In addition, Selfless.ly removed the paywall for nonprofits to use their volunteer management system, meaning Selfless.ly is currently free for nonprofits!


Currently, the team at Selfless.ly is volunteering with several nonprofits to help deliver masks to hospitals from the Million Mask Challenge Indy, support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana, foster dogs from the Indiana Bulldog Rescue, consult on virtual event management and more.


If you have an hour to volunteer virtually, let us know!


About us– Selfless.ly is based in Indianapolis and is Indiana’s first Domestic Benefit Corporation and Certified B Corp. To learn more visit www.selfless.ly or join the movement here.