Sunday Friends, A Working Alternative to Charity, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community service organization serving families in the San Francisco Bay Area. Sunday Friends meets on Sundays at three different locations. It has a unique approach where families make an effort to acquire long-term self-sufficiency skills and receive assistance with their basic needs. Sunday Friends partners with several organizations, profit and non-profit, to teach families and children many skills including, but not limited to, computer literacy and STEM. Qalaxia is one such organization.

Qalaxia is proud to join Pledge 1% and publicly announce their continuing time commitment working with Sunday Friends in helping students learn math. Qalaxia’s program at Sunday Friends involves students getting half an hour of computer time where children do 15 minutes of math on Qalaxia followed by 15 minutes of fun activity of their choice on the computers. Student and adult volunteers help children with successfully completing grade-appropriate math assignments on the platform. The unique question and answer format of Qalaxia allows children and volunteers to continue their engagement online. This approach allows volunteers to contribute their time at their leisure while students continue to get help even at home.



Qalaxia is a platform that facilitates connections between corporations honoring their 1% pledge and any non-profit organization to offer STEM programs at location. All that is required from non-profit organizations is the location, access to Qalaxia, and local adult supervision for students. And all that is required from industry experts is answering students’ questions at their leisure.