

This story was submitted as part of the #Pledge1Gives GivingTuesday campaign, which celebrates the many ways our member companies are having an impact around the world.


Empower your employees to give back at the individual level by downloading our new Virtual Volunteering Playbook, which includes ideas and best practices on how to excite and inspire individual giving.


At Passageways, we are committed to weaving a collaborative, philanthropic spirit into the very fabric of our daily lives. Ever since we joined the Pledge 1% movement, we’ve made giving back standard operating procedure through the donation of our time, product, and profit to charitable causes and communities across the globe. The COVID-19 pandemic has inspired us to double down on this even further.


We are honored to be a part of #GivingTuesday, and wanted to highlight a few ways that Passageways employees (aka “Pathfinders”) demonstrated the spirit of the Pledge 1% movement in 2020.


Volunteer Time


We give back 1% of our time to volunteer in our communities and help local nonprofits. Not only is volunteer time off built directly into our culture, but it’s also even written into our employee handbook!


Throughout 2020, individuals and teams of Pathfinders answered the call to help those in need. Here are some of their stories.


  • One of our company’s core values is “Be a Genuine Partner.” That includes our local communities. In March, 11 Pathfinders successfully packaged over 2,700 lbs. of grapefruit in two hours at Lafayette-based Food Finders Food Bank for distribution to 16 counties across Indiana where people are in need.When asked why she donated her time at Food Finders as part of Pledge 1%, OnSemble Product and Education Manager Sarah Steele replied, “Food is not just nourishment. Food is love, and it’s a noble, worthy cause.”
  • Ross Moore works in IT as our Cyber Security Support Analyst and volunteered at Wheeler Mission, a non-denominational, Christian, social services organization that helps the homeless. Ross helped prepare Food for lunches distributed to various locations but sadly had to stop in mid-April when the organization paused all onsite volunteering due to the pandemic.


When asked why Pledge 1% is essential, Ross answered, “There are people out there with various needs, and it’s important for those who have to help those who don’t have. I’m glad that I can help out of my abundance; I shouldn’t withhold from someone when it’s in my ability to give.”


  • Twelve Pathfinders from our Customer Success team volunteered at the WZPL Make-A-Wish Request-A-Thon on behalf of Make-a-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana. The team answered phones and collected donations to grant wishes of Indiana kids with life-threatening diseases/conditions.


This was especially personal for Tim Vire, our Manager, OnBoard Customer Success: “One of my kids is a cancer survivor who received a Wish when he was diagnosed at 5-years-old with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. Our family was granted his ‘Wish’ with an opportunity to spend a week at Disney World and the Give the Kids the World Village in Florida.”  


  • Business Development Representative Autumn Wall used one of her volunteer time off days to help paint an 8,000 square foot warehouse in a low-income community in Indianapolis. The facility is being converted into a multi-purpose community space: ESL and GED classes during the week, a free healthcare clinic on Saturdays, and a church on Sundays.


When asked why she felt Pledge 1% was an important initiative for Passageways to support, Autumn answered, “Pledge 1% is such a great way for our company to support our local community. Not just in name or by giving financially, but by BEING the hands and feet that they need. I’m really excited to be  a part of a company that truly cares.”




Last year, we donated our OnBoard board management software to worthy nonprofits driving change in their communities. This year, we took our support for organizations in need to the next level when COVID-19 forced them to switch to remote workforces and virtual meetings.


With quarantines and stay-at-home orders going into effect, we immediately responded by offering our OnBoard and OnSemble products for free to the organizations that were disrupted the most: healthcare organizations, higher education, nonprofits, and local government bodies. This was not free with an asterisk; this was complete, unrestricted access for up to five months (nearly half a year) with no questions asked and no credit card needed.


The program was a fantastic success, and we have followed up by offering 90 days completely free to all new organizations that sign up by December 31. The policy is once again simple and straightforward: no questions, no credit card, no restrictions.



An enthusiastic advocate for the Pledge 1% movement, Passageways Co-Founder and CEO Paroon Chadha is unequivocal in his support for using our products to help organizations in need.


“While the COVID-19 crisis touched each of our lives, our friends in nonprofits, governments, higher education, and healthcare have been especially vulnerable,” Paroon says. “Now more than ever, these frontline organizations are making thoughtful, far-reaching governance decisions. That’s why we launched these programs; our products can help organizations stay efficient and secure in these unprecedented times. Because we’re in this together.”




While we donate 1% of our profits to local charities and nonprofits making an impact, we’ve chosen not to simply write a check. Instead, we’re committed to investing in our community and fostering civic-minded leaders. We invest both time and money in organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Transverse Myelitis Association, and Purdue University’s Women in Management Scholarship. Ultimately, we aim to amplify the voices of the underserved and create a culture of philanthropy that extends generations.


Being a Pathfinder Means Giving Back


Believe it or not, all of the stories shared does not begin to scratch the surface. There are still plenty more stories, and they all share the same truth: we enthusiastically support the Pledge 1% movement! Our goal is to make giving back the new standard through cooperative community outreach and demonstrating a commitment beyond ourselves. Because that is what it means to be a Pathfinder.


In a year of social distancing, masks, and working from home, Pledge 1% has had a significant impact.


  • Customer Success Manager Stephanie Taylor, who volunteered with Natalie’s Second Chance no-kill dog shelter with her son, was reflective when she thought about her Pledge 1% experience. “I love being able to help people. We must always remain grateful and humble, and giving to others makes us count our blessings. Life can get challenging, but we need to help others whose lives may be more challenging than ours!”
  • Sr. Customer Success Manager Cameron Campbell became a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Lafayette after seeing a presentation by his fellow Pathfinders. He is a passionate advocate for Pledge 1%: “It’s not just about getting a day off. To companies considering joining Pledge 1%: giving three days to employees benefits the community and helps you in the long run because you’ll have more engaged, inspired employees. I’ve learned I can make a real difference and gained more than I can even put into words.”