Niki Adams
VP of Solution Engineering, Bounteous
📍Kansas City, MO
If you could describe yourself in one word, what would that be and why?
Multi-tasker: I am responsible for juggling between being a mom / wife, being in the Air Force Reserves and my day to day job. This requires the ability to ensure all areas have the attention they need while still getting tasks across all other areas completed. Often, this comes with guilt when one area is less focused on until I am able to refocus. It is a hard balance to handle, but it can be done!
Pledge 1% provides a framework for businesses to do good. Do you think it’s important for today’s corporate leaders to prioritize social impact? If so, why?
It is important for corporate leaders to prioritize social impact. Bounteous does this by sticking by our beliefs and limiting who we partner or have as Clients if they do not fit into our beliefs and standards.
Do you give back to the community with your team and work? If so, what does this look like?
Bounteous has always supported my military service by providing me with the days off as necessary with zero hassle. (This is not always the case.). Additionally, they always ask where they can support during my time away. In addition to that, Bounteous supports community service days where they allow employees to take time off to dedicate directly to their communities.
What’s the best piece of advice you've ever received?
If you are invited to the table, take your seat. Meaning, if you have been invited to a meeting, a conference, a conversation... note that there is a purpose and you deserve to be there. Often times, I hear individuals state they have imposter syndrome and are fearful to speak up with they are "sitting at the table." It is important to know that if you were invited, you are meant to be there with purpose.
If you are invited to the table, take your seat.
This year’s International Women’s Day themes are focused on investing in women and inspiring inclusion. What can we do to make today’s workplaces more equitable and inclusive for women?
Develop mentorship programs. I always advise that there is ALWAYS someone in the position you want to be at and there is always someone that is the position you were in. Meaning, that we should always be a mentor and we should always have a mentor. It is important to allow for this within an organization. I've been approached many times by newer employees or their male managers to ask if I can be their mentor within their oganization. I've also worked to always have a mentor.
What advice do you have for women who are just starting their career?
I have so many. One is "Never take no as an answer." If it is truly something you want, keep trying. Recently, I requested a certain position at my work of which I was told no and it was going to be given to another individual. At first, I took that answer, but after thinking about it realized that I needed to make a case of why I should be selected. I created a presentation with my strategy for the position and why I was the person to be selected. I had my mentor and additional people in leadership review my thoughts to provide feedback. I was prepared and went in to set my case. I ended up be awarded the position. Huge lesson to never give up.
Another one that it represents is that you decide your career path. I have had several members of the team ask me "what does my future hold" and I can only say "You decide what your future holds and I will work to fight with you to get you there."
What are you looking forward to this year? Are there any goals (personal or professional), activities, or experiences you are excited about?
This year holds a lot of opportunities for our company in terms of where our practice is leading, who we aim to bring in to support these desires and to integrate our global delivery with North America. I am looking forward to seeing the progress of our Salesforce practice and the capabilities we can deliver.