Pledge 1%

Amy Lesnick, founder and managing partner at Crowdkick Strategies, a consultancy, and former head of social innovation at the international crowdfunding website Indie­gogo, was named chief executive of Pledge 1%, which encourages businesses and individuals to pledge 1 percent of equity, product, or employee time to their communities.

The effort has also joined Tides as a special strategic program to expand its global reach. Pledge 1% was created in 2014 by software companies Atlassian and Rally, the nonprofit, and the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Colorado, part of the Community Foundation Serving Boulder County. Since its launch, Pledge 1% has enlisted more than 700 companies to its cause. Foundation

Sara El-Amine, executive director of Organizing for Action, was appointed founding executive director.


Choral Arts Society of Washington

Tad Czyzewski, business and development director for Washington Revels, has been named executive director.


Jonas Family Fund

Darlene Curley, executive director of the Jonas Center for Nursing and Veterans Healthcare, was appointed to an additional position, chief executive.


New Profit

Marco Davis, former deputy director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, was named partner.


Pro Bono Institute

Eve Runyon, project director of Corporate Pro Bono, will become chief executive.


Sempervirens Fund

Sara Barth, deputy vice president for conservation at the Wilderness Society, will be executive director.


Trust for the National Mall

Catherine Townsend, an independent consultant and former executive director of the DC Public Education Fund, was appointed president.


Upstart Co-­Lab

Laura Callanan, an independent consultant and former senior deputy chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, will lead Upstart Co-Lab, a collaboration that connects artists, impact investors, and social entrepreneurs.


Other notable changes:

Sue Davies, associate vice president for development at Montclair State University, will be senior vice president and chief development officer for the United Way of New York City.

Loren Harris, director of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in Battle Creek, Mich., will be vice president for programs at the Nathan Cummings Foundation.



Neal Cuthbert, vice president for program at the McKnight Foundation, has retired after more than 25 years of service.

Jed Bernstein, president of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, abruptly resigned.

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