By: Annie Field, Head of Community Impact, Contentful
This post is part of a special series to recognize Pledge 1% Members featured on the 2023 Cloud 100 List.
Why did you first decide to join Pledge 1%?
Contentful joined Pledge 1% to share the value that our business creates with the organizations that drive a positive impact on the broader world. Pledge 1% will allow us to provide charitable giving to organizations long into the future.
What does your Pledge 1% program look like in action?
Contentful has pledged 1% of its equity. This pledge ensures that as we grow, we’ll continue to make positive contributions to the world around us. This is in addition to our pro bono product and employee volunteer time off programs.
An example of this is The World Food Program’s ShareTheMeal app, which is built on the Contentful platform that enables anyone in the world to donate funds to support those suffering from food insecurity with the click of a button. Another nonprofit organization that Contentful is proud to work with is Breastcancer.org . It chose the Contentful platform when it launched its redesigned and re-platformed website to better serve its global community.

What have been some of the greatest highlights or impact moments to date?
We have more than 200 pro bono customers and, last year, gave away more than $2.5 million in product to nonprofits that use our platform to connect with their supporters and clients and elevate their mission. Additionally, Contentful employees have volunteered more than 1,000 hours this year, including trail clean-ups and volunteering at schools, food banks, youth education programs, and more.
What does it mean to you to be a Pledge 1% member on the Cloud 100 List?
“We’re extremely proud to be a part of Pledge 1%. By being intentional with our time and resources today, we can ensure our future impact is significant and purpose-driven.” Sascha Konietzke, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Contentful.
Pledge 1% aligns to our core value of Strive Together. With the combined power of all companies who have Pledged 1% – including our Cloud 100 peers — we can make a lasting, meaningful impact on our future by tackling the toughest issues of our time.

Can you share any quick tips or learnings you’ve gained while implementing your program?
It can feel daunting, but you must start. Another one of our core values is Growth Mindset. We have approached our program in this spirit and are actively learning and iterating daily. This includes measuring our impact and ensuring we are continuously telling the story of our impact to, hopefully, inspire others to action.
If you were to give one piece of advice to companies thinking about joining Pledge 1%, what would you say?
Join us! Pledge 1% is an opportunity to show how you live your values and be a part of something bigger than business, industry, or profits. Each Pledge 1% community member has a unique solution they’re offering their customers. Pledge 1% enables companies to create meaningful social impact from the value generated from that solution.