

Originally published on Written by Stephen Tober


Giant Machines Joins the Pledge 1% Movement and Pledges to Donate 1% of Time/Product/Profit to the Community


Giant Machines announced today that it has joined Pledge 1%, a global movement to create a new normal for companies of all sizes and stages to have a positive social impact through their business. Giant Machines is joining over 12,000 companies around the world who have committed to Pledge 1% of either their product, profit, equity, and/or staff time to a charity of their choosing.


Our Values & Mission


Giant Machines is committed to a thriving society with a focus on racial justice, gender equality, social justice, and more sustainable communities.


We as an organization will continuously learn, practice, and contribute to our stated mission. We learn, so that we can have a deeper understanding of the issues at hand and the most effective way to promote change. We put into practice our learnings so we can create an organization that lives by this mission. We contribute to our communities by setting aside 1% of our profits and our time to causes and charitable organizations that share this social mission.


Despite our small size as a company, we have always valued the diversity of backgrounds and experiences of our team members. Across our team we have degrees ranging from computer science to engineering, fine arts, design, anthropology, music, and politics. Members hail from diverse cultural backgrounds, have lived abroad, collectively speak over a dozen languages, and include software boot camp grads, entrepreneurs, parents, athletes, cooks, artists, and world travelers. We take great pride in the multifarious nature of both our team and our company culture.


Giant Machines believes that diversity and inclusion are not only the right thing to do but the right thing for business. Innovation thrives when teams are diverse, and there are a variety of perspectives and approaches that the company takes to achieve this goal.


Giant Machines has comprehensive diversity initiatives for a company of our age and size. We are continually evaluating and evolving our strategies and believe this leads to a safer and happier work environment.


Giant Machines pledges to do its part to do more, to be part of the solution, to be anti-racist. We endeavor to take the resources at our disposal, including our financial resources, our people, our experience, and our humanity and marshal them toward the greater good. The recent — and not so recent — events of the nation call for more action, more impact, more activism.


Giant Machines is proud to join the Pledge 1% community and encourages other companies to take the pledge and leverage their business as a force for good.


About Pledge 1%


Pledge 1% is a global movement that inspires, educates, and empowers every entrepreneur, company, and employee to be a force for good. Over 12,000 members around the world have used Pledge 1%’s flexible framework to ignite half a billion dollars in new philanthropy. To learn more about Pledge 1% and to take the pledge visit