Today when you look at a company, one should consider it’s product, it’s people and its focus on purpose. The product will vary and often drive public opinion by the consumer on how they see the company. In the event, a consumer calls into the service depart they will have a chance to interact with the people of the company. This is generally driven by questions or support concerns and doesn’t really give you an opportunity to determine the corporate environment in which you purchased from and why should you?


As the founder and CEO of Cloud Co-Op I believe that you should understand a company’s focus on purpose and how that drives a company and creates the environment for its employees that design, sell and support the product or service provided to you, the consumer. We have been a part of the Pledge 1% movement for just over three years and our company supports various non-profits in the veteran services community like Operation Supply Drop and Fourblock and organizations that promote justice, equity, sustainability and enfranchisement along with the local, state and national organizations in the beautification of the local communities like Solidago and Keep America Beautiful. As a corporate mission, we focus on purpose, by participating together as a way of team building while giving back to these amazing communities. Additionally, we allow our employees to support a cause of their own in which they receive paid time to volunteer their efforts and give back. We like to extend an opportunity for the extended family members to participate and the local community. We want to share the value of giving back and allow all who wants to participate with us to join in.


Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. In today’s market, it’s the company that learns to focus on purpose that will create a culture that people desire to be with and consumers what to buy from. When employees feel connected they perform and when consumers feel connect they purchase.  The focus on purpose is a business strategy that stems from the values of its leadership outward and makes everyone better. Learning to give back, not only helps the recipient but generally helps the giver more.


A company can become a multiplier when they engage their employee beyond the job description and by involving their clients to participate in the giving with them. Companies can extend the focus on purpose to their clients and the local community and create a bigger tribe that everyone rally’s around. CEO’s have to participate beyond approval. The impact here compounded when the executive (team) participates as an equal in this love of labor.