Imagine a world where everything you do makes a tangible, positive impact. Imagine if every time a coffee shop sold a coffee, someone in need receives access to life-saving water, or for every book an author sells, a tree gets planted or every time you’re on Zoom, a child in need gets access to game-changing education….
B1G1 is a business giving initiative with a unique platform that makes these things possible by helping businesses ‘embed’ giving into their everyday activities, creating a long-term habit of giving and growing impacts that are measured, tracked and shared easily. And collectively, 3,000+ B1G1 Businesses have already created more than 260 million giving impacts.
Today, more of those businesses are also joining in the Pledge 1% movement to expand their contributions beyond monetary giving. Here are a few examples.
CRED joined Pledge 1% in 2019 and incorporated the contribution of 1% time, 1% product and 1% revenue in what they do. They implement B1G1 in their 1% revenue contribution.
CRED gives their time to run programs to support people with mental health issues (this has been especially important since the start of the pandemic), to mentor youth start-ups and to create awareness for the Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs). They have also integrated various micro-giving with their programs and have created 23,381 giving impacts including 528 days of access to vocational training for women and provision of skills training to vulnerable youth.

Image Credit: CRED (https://cred.global/)
Four Points Consulting pledges more than 1%, in fact 2%, of their revenue from their consulting services to causes that they and their team align with. Their top priorities are the SDG 1: No Poverty and the SDG 4: Quality Education. And they have already provided special education programs to children, youth and families in Cambodia, India, Uganda and the Philippines. They also offer pro-bono work to support important causes.

Image Credit: FOUR POINT CONSULTING GIVING STORIES (https://cred.global/)
The B1G1 initiative itself is run by two entities: a Singapore-based Social Enterprise (also a BCorp) that manages the business program, and a US 501(c)(3) charity that manages its Worthy Cause program.
As a Pledge 1% Member, the social enterprise arm also pledges more than 1% of all its revenue to support a wide variety of causes in all of the SDGs. For example, every email their team sends, every meeting they have and every special occasion they celebrate results in a giving impact, while supporting other businesses to implement effective giving in their own unique ways.
So, on this GivingTuesday, B1G1 is sharing the #PLEDGE1%GIVES campaign with their members to encourage more of them to consider joining the Pledge 1% movement.
Together, we really can create a world full of giving where businesses with a real sense of purpose can change our world. For good.