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Pledge 1%'s #WomenWhoLead series celebrates female leaders who are paving the way for the next generation. While our featured leaders come from a variety of backgrounds and industries, they are united in their efforts to promote equality for all women in the workplace. We’ve asked them to share a bit about their journey to success, as well as lessons they’ve learned along the way. 


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Disney "Diz" Petit

Founder & CEO, LiquiDonate

Oakland, CA, USA


What is your current role? Briefly describe in 1-2 sentences.


I am the founder and CEO of LiquiDonate where we work to build a world without waste.


This year's International Women's Day theme is "Embrace Equity." What does this mean to you? How can we build workplaces that are more equitable and inclusive?


A lot of people say that they embrace equity, but what does that really mean? As a female in leadership for over a decade I could give you a different answer on what embracing equity looks like and does not look like for each day.

I worry that the more we have 'themed' days the less meaning the words have when only a small group spends time reflecting on them.

The women who were nominated to present in this series have some level of power and influence to increase equity within their organizations and potentially inspire others, but I find it also important to reflect upon who isn't in this conversation. Are those the people who will read this and react? I am not sure but I am open-minded to see what others define as embracing equity this year.

If any reader prefers a less esoteric answer, I'm happy to provide one. I'm just so exhausted with buzzwords and quick content that doesn't mean much if it isn't getting into the hands of people who don't already agree that we should be 'embracing' or 'enabling' or whichever word of the day comes through.

We definitely follow the ideas and ideals of the UN SDG's around equity and believe that our product helps work toward those goals.


Do you have any mentors or role models who have helped you on your personal journey?


The team at LiquiDonate is what keeps me going everyday since we started our journey toward a world without waste.


What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?


Assume positive intent.


The past few years have brought many new and unprecedented challenges. What keeps you motivated or inspires you to stay optimistic?


As long as I am alive and capable I will try to do what is most helpful. In 2020 I broke my back from a fall downstairs carrying a blind foster dog at 7am. You never know what can change your life.


Pledge 1% helps companies of all sizes and stages leverage their assets for social good. Why do you think it's important that companies prioritize social impact? Do you have any specific stories or examples from your work or colleagues you can share?


Yea! You can build cool and impactful stuff that makes a difference that only you and your company are well-suited for. For example, my current co-founder of LiquiDonate and I built FoodFight! while we were at Postmates. It enabled restaurants we worked with to just press a button and have a courier come pick up their excess food and take it to local shelters in 800 cities across the US.


If you could describe yourself in one word what would that be and why?


Attempting? I spent time thinking on this one and I feel that the word that best describes me right now is attempting. I am attempting to do the right things, make the right choices, listen, help where I can, learn, and more. All of it feels like an attempt and I think that is a fun, scary, and exciting part of my current journey.

This is a hard one. Feel free to submit your one word descriptions of me to 🙂


Do you have any unique or useful life hacks to help get through your day?


If you have the privilege of having a salaried role with less restrictions around your time, use your dang calendar. Schedule your day hour by hour, including blocking off whatever 'you' time you need to protect whether it's a gym break, lunch, or what time you need to leave to not be late for a date night.


Do you have any go-to apps or tools use love to use?


My google calendar ❤️


What are you looking forward to this year? Are there any goals (personal or professional), activities, or experiences you are excited about?


This year traveling resumes with some volunteering in Turkey, a conference and company retreat in Hawaii, a personal vacation to Japan, and then some much needed time at home around the holidays. I am so lucky and excited to be where I am today and am always happy to connect with others who have questions about the space, especially while navigating it as a woman in the tech industry.