Originally published on Medium.
This is a great day for us as a team and as a young company. We are officially part of this great movement that promotes and celebrates giving back. Joining Atlassian, Salesforce and thousands of other companies.
Dentem is proud to join Pledge 1%, a global movement creating new normal where companies of all sizes integrate giving back into their culture and values. Pledge 1% empowers companies to donate 1% of product, 1% of equity, 1% of profit or 1% of employee time to causes of their choice. Dentem is excited to join Pledge 1%’s network of founders, entrepreneurs and companies around the globe that have committed to giving back.
Arnold Schwarzenegger once said in a speech in front of university students “Call me anything, but never call me a self made man!” and he was right about one thing. None of us individually or as companies are self made. We work hard but together with the help of the people that support us we grow and get better.
Since our early days we thought of giving back to the community a little bit of ‘us’. Our time, our help in product and our support. As of late we have helped hundreds of young developers get into coding and tens of new entrepreneurs think of starting up. But we are not even stopping here. We are helping more and more developers and young boys and girls get into coding to one day become better developers and join great companies in their future. And as well help new startup founders with our network and advice. And to top it all of we are thinking of giving back more with product and health.
We are drafting a clear action plan to how we can give back something that will last long and create a meaningful impact in a lot of people lives. Stay tuned fore more.
We urge all companies young and old. Big and small to join this great movement. http://www.pledge1percent.org/
#TeamDentem #PledgeOne #GivingBack