

This story was submitted as part of the #Pledge1Gives GivingTuesday campaign, which celebrates the many ways our member companies are having an impact around the world.


Empower your employees to give back at the individual level by downloading our new Virtual Volunteering Playbook, which includes ideas and best practices on how to excite and inspire individual giving.




DataColada is extremely proud of our team’s commitment to #Pledge1 in 2020. Despite the slowdowns that the pandemic presented the world with, our small team has continued to support new and familiar charity partners. Just under half of our team members volunteered for a variety of not-for-profits, including a range of activities such as providing on-site and remote pro bono technology support, packaging up goods for Australians in COVID-19 lockdowns, and restoring forest areas destroyed by the 2019 bushfires. In addition to individual volunteering, our team also implemented or supported three technology Go-Lives completely for free, and donated company dollars to worthy causes.  DataColada is honored to work with these charities and looks forward to witnessing their impact this GivingTuesday.


At DataColada, we are a values based business with a focus on the triple bottom line – people, planet and profit. We work with fundraisers, healthcare providers and educators, many of whom are registered not for profits. This focus allows us to attract individuals whose personal ambitions include contributing to social good with sustainable solutions in addition to monetary rewards. We see our role in helping organizations succeed in their mission by delivering innovative solutions that add economic and social value in sustainable ways.


This goal of creating social benefit is also part of our formal company culture, the “DataColada DNA”, and is represented by our participation in the Pledge 1%. DataColada has pledged to give 1% of our equity, time, profit and product back to the community. We usually significantly over-deliver against these goals. One example of how we implement this pledge is our Time component – each of our staff are encouraged to spend up to five days per year outside of work helping the charity of their choice without incurring any cost against their vacation time.