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First100 Pledge 1% Blog Images.png

Pledge 1% is launching a new blog series, First 100, to celebrate how companies under 100 employees are making an impact through their Pledge 1% programs. Over the past 5+ years, we've heard amazing stories from smaller (under 100 employees) companies. We want to highlight these members and provide more examples and ideas that inspire other businesses to do the same. 


Any Pledge 1% member company under 100 employees can participate. The Pledge 1% team will review, draft, and design each piece to share on the Community and across our social media (@PledgeOne). We encourage you to tune in, comment, and share any stories from your team and network! 


This will be an ongoing series and we are aiming to go live with the first story in mid-October.


This is a great opportunity for our community to learn about and share how you are achieving your social impact goals – whether that’s through your time/product/profit/equity pledges, leveraging leadership and influence, instituting inclusive hiring and internal policies, or other programs. 


If you have any questions, please email Kait at



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CEO, DataColada

At DataColada, we endeavour to live the values of our wonderful clients by always giving back to the communities that we work with and live in.


We have the privilege of supporting numerous clients that bolster communities as charities, schools, or healthcare organisations.  What better way to get involved than by volunteering our time both individually and as a team to these causes!

In March, Team DataColada enjoyed volunteering in the kitchen at Our Big Kitchen in Bondi Beach, Sydney.  The team cooking a delicious curry from scratch and packed up the meals for delivery while learning more about the work OBK does in the Eastern Suburb community for the homeless.





Last month, the team switched gears to support a different cause.  A handful of team members spent the day volunteering to beautify the outdoor facilities at HammondCare's Richard Geeves Social Club.  The club has provided an important pillar of socialisation, purpose, and networking to seniors on the ongoing journey of dementia.  






This month, the fun will continue with the team next spending the day at the Good365 Warehouse.  In the warehouse, we plan to package and sort brand-new clothing, toy, and toiletries donations to be arranged for delivery to numerous charities in need of spare goods.  


These are just a handful of our collaborative efforts as Pledge 1% members.  The team also routinely completes pro-bono implementations and support for budget-tight but impactful clients and encourages volunteering by individuals to any causes that are near and dear to us.

More than ever, we appreciate volunteering our time as a team given the difficulty of numerous lockdowns in the past couple of years.  What a joy to again be able to socialise and work together for our shared values without needing to be behind screens!