

By Lauren Coberly,


This piece is shared as part of Pledge 1%’s #GivingTuesdayNow campaign, which highlights how Pledge 1% members and the business community are coming together as a force for good to combat COVID-19.


“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ~ Mother Teresa
You might be familiar with Giving Tuesday… and remember it as the Tuesday that follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday, focused on giving to the many great causes and passionate nonprofits working to make the world a better place.  In light of the global pandemic and the impact all over the world, there is a new global day of giving and unity today, May 5th, called Giving Tuesday Now Giving Tuesday Now is an emergency response to the unprecedented needs caused by COVID-19.  The hope of this movement is for a collective response from individuals, businesses, philanthropy, and all that are able, to create “grassroots generosity” and show support for communities and nonprofits around the globe.  
The Giving Now movement encourages participation in a range of ways — getting involved with a need in your community, supporting a neighbor, or donating to a cause.  At Box, our employees will give in ways that resonate most with them, whether that involves their time, dollars or expertise. In fact, we have employees standing by now to partner with our nonprofit community across various skill areas and projects through our Virtual Volunteers program
We are truly inspired by the work and dedication of so many organizations at this time, including those on the front lines or supporting and enabling the front-line workers.  Today will be making a donation to an organization called PATH, a global nonprofit committed to improving public health.  PATH is working around the clock to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 as it spreads around the world.  
Located in 70 countries, PATH works across governments, ministries of health and the private sector.  The organization is laser focused on developing life-saving vaccines, creating diagnostic tools, training health workers, designing and manufacturing PPE equipment, and developing pandemic response plans.  Their work is particularly critical at this moment, with communities around the world struggling to manage through this pandemic.


A January meeting at the Health Emergency Operations Center in Democratic Republic of the Congo. The center was established in 2017 with support from PATH and is now being used to coordinate the country’s COVID-19 response. Photo: PATH


Today, everyone is facing some sort of challenge — whether it’s supporting family in this stressful time, dealing with physical or mental health challenges, managing the stress of a lost job, or simply holding the feelings of being scared or feeling isolated.  No one is immune to what is taking place, and we stand with you during this time.  If you’re in a place where you can give in some way, we encourage you to think about how you’d like to make a difference today — make a supportive phone call, take groceries to a neighbor, volunteer your precious time, or donate to your favorite organization.  If you’d like to join us in supporting PATH and their work to combat COVID-19, you can do so at
Together, we’ll make a difference.  And together, we’ll get through this. 
Learn more about and our mission at Contact us here. Follow on Twitter and LinkedIn to see what we’re up to, and learn more about inspirational nonprofits we are fortunate to partner with. #MoreGoodTogether