Amy Wendel
Senior Director, Global Head of Corporate Responsibility, GoTo
📍Boston, MA, USA
If you could describe yourself in one word, what would that be and why?
Pledge 1% provides a framework for businesses to do good. Do you think it’s important for today’s corporate leaders to prioritize social impact? If so, why?
Of course. Companies should prioritize social impact because it not only benefits society and the environment, but also enhances brand reputation, employee morale, and long-term sustainability.
Do you give back to the community with your team and work? If so, what does this look like?
Yes to both! Through GoTo’s Philanthropy and Volunteering program, GoTo Gives, we are out in our local communities each month. From India to Guatemala to Boston where we are headquartered, GoGetters across the globe serve others—whether that is planting trees, keeping senior citizens company or helping youth access STEM education.

My favorite organization in Boston is St Francis House, the largest day shelter in Massachusetts, where I serve homeless guests every year on Christmas.

And 14 years ago I founded Project MEMA, a grassroots nonprofit organization that supports education and healthy living for youth in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Giving back is a big part of my work life and personal life. Kindness matters.

What’s the best piece of advice you've ever received?
My first boss (you know who you are!) in French would tell me to “laisser tomber” and that has been with me for 20+ years. It can be hard when steadfast is your word—but knowing when to let it go is probably the single most important piece of advice I’ve heard yet.
It can be hard when steadfast is your word—but knowing when to let it go is probably the single most important piece of advice I’ve heard yet.
This year’s International Women’s Day themes are focused on investing in women and inspiring inclusion. What can we do to make today’s workplaces more equitable and inclusive for women?
To make workplaces more inclusive for women, companies can implement policies that promote gender diversity, provide equal opportunities for career advancement, offer mentorship, sponsorship (this a great one and often more impactful that mentorship), and support programs, address unconscious bias, and create a culture that values and respects the contributions of women.
What advice do you have for women who are just starting their career?
Think about how you can upskill each year and prioritize your communication abilities.
What are you looking forward to this year? Are there any goals (personal or professional), activities, or experiences you are excited about?
So much! This International Women’s Day, I’ll be in Guatemala with Natün Guatemala, a wonderful organization that advances education, nutrition & health and economic development, through community-led initiatives which build on existing resources and knowledge. It will be my 4th trip to visit them and I can’t wait.
At GoTo, I’m excited to continue our work! I’m celebrating 10 years at the company this year which is hard to believe. Onwards!
Beyond that—more travel, yoga, golf, and time with friends, family and my very sweet nieces.