

The global impact of COVID-19 has not only put the well-being of people at risk, but has also trembled economies, industries, and entire societies. With this pandemic keeping the world on their toes, Algoworks is doing its share to help mitigate the impact on its customers and employees, and the Indian government.


The company has donated 500,000 Indian Rupee to the PM Cares Fund, the official Indian government fund created to to help those affected by COVID-19 across India. Algoworks employees have also promoted the use of face masks and sanitizers in their communities. They’ve helped spread the word by virtually hosting meet-ups with their peers; educating them about the effects, symptoms, and prevention of the virus.


Algoworks has supported remote work and work from home well before the national lockdown took place, to protect their valued employees. As a result, none of Algoworks’ 400+ workforce in India or the U.S. has tested positive for COVID-19, despite the headquarters located in the most affected district near the capital, New Delhi.

Algoworks has also been concerned about the mental well-being of their employees. Various initiatives have been made to stay in touch throughout the lockdown. Complimentary 3-month access to online meditation and yoga sessions with MindHouse was arranged by the HR department to help employees relieve stress and anxiety. Management has gone the extra mile for particular cases needing additional assistance, while strictly complying to all rules established by the respective governing authorities. 


With a well-prepared, ready to refer instructional guide on COVID-19, Algoworks helped its employees gain a better understanding of the virus, its effects, and how to prevent it. Algoworks launched the FAQ COVID-19 page immediately following the lockdown to maintain complete transparency and visibility with its clients, partners, customers and employees. Making the best use of its social media channels, Algoworks published information sourced only from credible sources like the World Health Organization and the CDC.


The well-structured BCP, or Business Continuity Plan was rolled out informing customers how Algoworks remains operational during this crisis. In times when it is not wise to host physical meetings or conferences with customers and employees, Algoworks has leveraged various communication channels and video conferencing applications.

The following quote is an excerpt from a notice shared to all employees across the organization by Rachit Agarwal, Co-Founder & Director of Algoworks.


“This situation is unprecedented for businesses and families, both. It is time we all support each other and help come out of this situation unharmed. I’d advise you all to be patient and calm if you are at home, safe, and sound. Remain positive and look after your family and personal responsibilities. Algoworks has a history of not being moved in any situation as we all have always stood together. This situation demands the same. As always, I stand with each one of you and expect the same in return. Let’s all be together, work together, and come out of it stronger. I request you all to work hard towards helping yourself, your family, and your colleagues in achieving success as we beat coronavirus forever.”


Algoworks’ leadership team is continuously hosting online meetings to evaluate the crisis and respond appropriately. The company is taking all necessary measures in accordance with guidance from public health authorities and the local government. We pledge to come back strong.