

This story was submitted as part of the #Pledge1Gives GivingTuesday campaign, which celebrates the many ways our member companies are having an impact around the world.


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ADAPTOVATE has a responsibility to give back to our community, and Pledge 1% is a great opportunity to do so. Our company is young, and it’s critical to our culture that we give back. As our company continues to grow, we will continue to pledge our time and services for the greater good of our community.


We have a unique offering focused on transforming the way organisations deliver results, and we offer our valuable time, resources and services to our Pledge 1% partners to teach them how to more effectively fulfill their missions. We work closely with our pledges and we are committed to their success.


In the year 2020, ADAPTOVATE had the honour to provide pro-bono services to a hospital, 2 not-for-profit foundations and multiple schools across the globe. These inspiring organisations across the globe are:




Gomo Foundation provides education opportunities for young women with potential so they can drive change in their developing communities. ADAPTOVATE supported Gomo Foundation in creating their Objectives and Key Results to help guide the organisation into their next phase and implementation of strategy. ADAPTOVATE shaped the high-level strategy into a detailed roadmap with dedicated iterations using Agile methodology to align and engage a fully volunteer-led team.


Our Place | Colman Foundation works through local schools to create the environment for children, families and communities to flourish. They aim to reshape the service system and open up access to the resources, opportunities and support that all children need to learn and develop, and that enable families to achieve their aspirations. We supported Our Place and their partner organisations in Morwell, Australia to facilitate 4 key workshops. We helped them create a vision , focused their priority areas, and a roadmap to implement their strategy and objectives. This helped them to achieve their vision of happy, healthy and aspirational children in thriving families with a sense of belonging to the community.




Tan Tock Seng Hospital, together with National Centre for Infectious Diseases, have played a pivotal role in the COVID-19 efforts for Singapore and it is a privilege to give back to them with our agile experience. ADAPTOVATE had recently conducted an Agile Virtual Immersion (VI) session with the hospital to introduce agile concepts and practices. The 32 participants from 16 different functions were able to experience first-hand working in an agile way and appreciate how it can engage the organization, optimize the processes and empower its people in the hospital.




The Covid-19 pandemic forced schools around the world into a swift and unexpected transition to remote learning. ADAPTOVATE trained, coached and mentored teachers across Poland to embrace an agile mindset to boost a culture of feedback, reflection and adaptation at schools. This new culture will lead to greater learning outcomes, promote collaboration to  problem solve, and build resilience to change.


United States of America


JerseySTEM is a fully volunteer-led not for profit organisation providing STEM education to underserved children in New Jersey through innovative, hands-on and online after school projects and inquiry-based learning opportunities. ADATOVATE supported JerseySTEM’s IT initiatives of implementing a new Service Desk and knowledge base by refining their proof of concept and developing a full roll out plan to their 150+ volunteers.


The more we can practically help organisations achieve their goals, the better the world will be, and the better our organization will become. We are committed to serving our communities across the world to create a better future.

Please find a link to case studies of our Pledge 1% projects on our website.