

This piece is shared as part of Pledge 1%’s #GivingTuesdayNow campaign, which highlights how Pledge 1% members and the business community are coming together as a force for good to combat COVID-19.


At ActiveCampaign, one of our core values is “grow with gratitude.” In this present moment, we feel fortunate to be in a position to both give back to our communities and take care of our global team. 


Our employees, our customers, and our communities are always top-of-mind, and as we continue to navigate COVID-19 alongside the rest of the world, we’re inspired by the countless ways in which we’re seeing people come together to support one another. Here are a few ways we’re providing support at ActiveCampaign: 


Support for our Employees


We are fortunate that the work we do can be done from the safety of our homes. However, we appreciate that a fully remote work situation is not without its challenges. As we transitioned to a fully remote workforce, we implemented: 


  • New wellness programs focused on nutrition, social well-being, and mental health
  • Employee, manager, and parent resource groups
  • Guided live yoga and meditation
  • One time reimbursement for WFH equipment


Helping our Customers


ActiveCampaign serves thousands of small businesses every single day, and we always strive to support them with best-in-class solutions and resources. Though we can’t be together in-person, we recently launched Digital Study Halls for our customers to continue to learn from our Education team and each other, no matter where they’re located. 


Small businesses have been hit hard by recent events, and while we always offered consultative support to every level of customer, this crisis has asked our team to dig deep, and reach new levels of creativity to help customers meet the challenges they are facing. Our Support and Success teams will continue to work with every ActiveCampaign customer to navigate this unpredictable time and help them do the same for their own customers. 


Giving Back


As a company, we use Bonusly to recognize our teammates, but it’s also a tremendous vehicle for giving back. 

With a number of organizations to choose from and the ability to create custom rewards, we’re able to empower our team to give back by donating their points to causes they care about.  


Inspired by the Giving Tuesday Now movement and the generosity demonstrated by our employees, we’re matching employee Bonusly point donations during the month of May made to the local and global organizations that they care about and who need support now more than ever. 


Supporting Local Businesses and Communities in Need


Upon witnessing the immediate impact of COVID-19 on small businesses and local communities, our employees sprung into action. A few of the things we’ve seen:


  • Campaign tracking spreadsheets can help individuals track which campaigns need the most help, and prioritize their efforts. This tracker, created by our own Kelly O’Connell, lets Chicagoans track over 500 businesses that need support.
  • In addition to the company match, employees are donating their birthday Bonusly points to fundraising too. Sarah Nicholaev and Colleen Bowe, on our Education and Marketing teams, recently raised a combined $849.25 for the Greater Chicago Food Depository. That’s 2,547 meals for Chicagoans facing hunger!


We’re proud to join Pledge 1% and its members on this global day of giving and unity to be a force for good.