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Hello from Aspire Software Consultancy

Path Finder
CEO, Aspire Software Consultancy

Greetings from Aspire Software Consultancy, we are happy to be part of Pledge 1% Community,  The step to give back to community!!


Michelle Fifis
Community Manager
Community Manager
Community Manager, Pledge 1%

Welcome to the Community! Can you tell us more about Aspire Software Consultancy and any plans you may have for your time pledge? Thanks for being here and making an introduction!

Path Finder
CEO, Aspire Software Consultancy

Hi Michelle,

Thanks for the message. We are a software services provider based out of Bangalore, India. We have multiple plans for our time pledge, some of them are:

1. Introduce and guide fresh graduates towards better career in technology field

2. Undertake some pro-environment steps like planting trees

3. Help the needly people in our locality by providing them clothing, food etc


We do not want to limited to this, and explore more ways to build better society.



Michelle Fifis
Community Manager
Community Manager
Community Manager, Pledge 1%
Thank you for sharing more about your organization. These all sound like fabulous causes that are helping so many people in your community and beyond. I look forward to hearing how the program grows and evolves!

The Climate Action and Green Recovery Playbook

The Climate Action and Green Recovery Playbook will serve as a roadmap for all Pledge 1% companies to get involved in combating climate change through leveraging our unique resources, employee activations and engagement, and internal and external policies that consider all stakeholders, including the planet.

Playbooks are a Pledge 1% Member resource. Not a Member yet? Take the Pledge today for full access to the Pledge 1% tools & resources.