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Professional Development for Pledge 1% companies

The Hacker Exchange

I'm excited to share with the Pledge 1% community HEX's take on professional development and corporate innovation training.


End of financial discount: 50% off HEX Career Accelerator: A fresh take on a strategic leadership course, designed for young professionals, emerging leaders, career changers, or people who want to increase their influence and confidence at work. 6-weeks online, starting in October. Mentorship powered by Pledge 1% member Atlassian!


Discount $495AUD / $350USD (instead of $990AUD / $690USD) available until 30 June! Many of our participants are able to link it to their professional learning & development budgets at their organizations.


Here's the Program Prospectus. We'd love if you could share this within your organisation or anyone in your network ready to take it to the next level.


reach out to if you have any questions!


Michelle Fifis
Community Manager
Community Manager
Community Manager, Pledge 1%

Thanks for sharing this with the community, @ChrisHoffmann!


The Climate Action and Green Recovery Playbook

The Climate Action and Green Recovery Playbook will serve as a roadmap for all Pledge 1% companies to get involved in combating climate change through leveraging our unique resources, employee activations and engagement, and internal and external policies that consider all stakeholders, including the planet.

Playbooks are a Pledge 1% Member resource. Not a Member yet? Take the Pledge today for full access to the Pledge 1% tools & resources.