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Expanding Impact: Leveraging Partnerships for Greater Good

Pledge 1% Team
Pledge 1%

Thank you for joining us on Thursday, May 23rd for "Expanding Impact: Leveraging Partnerships for Greater Good"!


If you missed the webinar or would like to view a recording of the event you can find it here:


We would like to thank Marie Groark and Alise Marshall for the opportunity to learn more about collaborative philanthropy.


Join us virtually onTuesday, June 11th for "Leading with Integrity: Peloton's Approach to 

Ethical Philanthropy" by registering HERE!


Thank you again!


The Climate Action and Green Recovery Playbook

The Climate Action and Green Recovery Playbook will serve as a roadmap for all Pledge 1% companies to get involved in combating climate change through leveraging our unique resources, employee activations and engagement, and internal and external policies that consider all stakeholders, including the planet.

Playbooks are a Pledge 1% Member resource. Not a Member yet? Take the Pledge today for full access to the Pledge 1% tools & resources.