11-13-2022 04:47 PM
From completing various pro bono projects for charities over the last few years, we've come across several useful resources that each of these charities was tapping into. But it was also clear that not all of these resources were widely known.
To make it easier to share this valuable information, we have created a dedicated page for charities where we list helpful articles, information, links and offers (of free or discounted services and products) - https://merchantadvisory.com/resources/charities/.
If your organisation provides free or discounted services and products to charities that you would like listed on this page, or you know of such resources that you think should be added here, please email details to @mariellaxamana (mariel.laxamana@paymentsconsulting.com) or me (mangala.martinus@paymentsconsulting.com).
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