Hi everyone. Australian Philanthropic Services have put together a list
of charities working to support communities impacted by the earthquake
in Türkiye & Syria. These are Australian arms of international
charities, but I'm sure the organisations ha...
Hi At Australian Philanthropic Services we often develop short though
pieces for our clients. A popular one is the attached on Understanding
Impact of your charitable giving. It provides a simple overview of types
of impact and simple questions you c...
I recently spoke to APS client and Pledge 1% member @MangalaMartinus
about his journey into structured giving, charity funding, volunteering,
and leveraging his networks for good. Whilst talking about giving can
sometimes feel uncomfortable, it's won...
At Australian Philanthropic Services, we regularly focus on a particular
area that requires philanthropic funding. We've recently looked at
homelessness on behalf of our clients, and I thought I'd share some
resources with you. While addressing the h...
Hi The Australian Philanthropic Services May client newsletter was
focused on philanthropy in the Mental Health space. If you're interested
we have a couple of resources:An insights paper on the issues you could
The team at Australian Philanthropic Services have put together a list
of charities working on climate change in Australia if you are looking
for education on the challenges or a great organisation to fund.