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Forum Posts

12 Days of Tips - Day 9: Scenario planning for annual giving

As the Colorado wildfires present the latest natural disaster to overcome communities, my social impact tip is to think about scenario planning for your annual giving. When thinking about your annual budget, consider allocating funds for natural disa...

by Pledge 1% Alumni

Social Impact Partnerships Manager, Pledge 1%

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  • 2 kudos

12 Days of Tips - Day 7: Gamify virtual volunteering

One of the core ways to get employees to sign up and show up for virtual volunteering activities is to identify rallying agents, such as individual teams within your company or employee resource groups. At Rock Content, our pro-tip is to take this a ...

by Ambassador

Social Impact Lead, Rock Content

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  • 4 kudos

12 Days of Tips - Day 6: Maximize year-end giving

My social impact tip is to consider ways to maximize year-end giving among your teams by doing a push on employee matching before the end of the year and make the process as seamless as possible: Add a donate button on your website that links to nonp...

by Pledge 1% Alumni

Social Impact Partnerships Manager, Pledge 1%

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12 Days of Tips - Day 5: When & How to Donate Equity

Last week, I shared a tip detailing "why" to donate equity! Beyond the why is the when and how... here are my tips for when and how to donate equity: It's never too early to formalize your equity pledge!The source of equity can be the company, founde...

12 Days of Tips - Day 2: Set your Time Pledge up for success

We took the Time Pledge at Atlassian because we wanted to give all Atlassians the time (literally) to make a positive impact in the world. Giving back is a team effort at Atlassian. Besides, giving Atlassians volunteer-time was just the right thing t...

by Ambassador

Atlassian Foundation Director, Atlassian

  • 1 replies
  • 5 kudos
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