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Forum Posts

Share your favorite nonprofits!

We would love to hear from this community on your favorite nonprofits that we could serve with LiquiDonate. It’s almost Giving Tuesday – a perfect time of year to highlight your fave organizations that need help! If you’re unfamiliar with us, we move...

by Explorer

Director of Nonprofit Partnerships, LiquiDonate

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Why Startups Need an ESG Strategy

Hi everyone, Harvard Business Review released a great, actionable article on why startups need an ESG strategy early-on. The full resource is found here. Some key takeaways: 1. Clarifying your impact may be aided by answering the question "what would...

by Pledge 1% Alumni

Vice President, Pledge 1%

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Seeking Best Practices: VTO Policies/Programs

Hi! I'm Blair, CSR Manager at Braze. Our Social Impact Team is in the process of revamping our global volunteerism strategy, and we'd love to learn best practices from other Pledge 1% members who've had a hand in building similar programs/policies at...

by Path Finder

CSR Sr. Lead @ Braze, Braze

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1% Pledge - Walk to Talk 4 Men St Neots

Walk & Talk 4 Men is a simple concept that gives men the opportunity to talk in a relaxed comfortable environment whilst taking in the beauty of the local countryside. The Nature Reserve at Little Paxton, in Cambridgeshire has become its adopted home...

by Explorer

Managing Director, Focus4growth Ltd

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1% Time Roll Out

Our company recently took the 1% Time Pledge, and we are looking to roll out the program in Q1-2023. I'd love to hear how others have built campaigns to roll out a 1% Time at their company.

by Path Finder

Aide de Camp, Director Community Impact, Force Management

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Community Update: Join us on October 28th!

Hey there folx, and happy Wednesday! Following up from our post earlier in this forum, the team here at Pledge 1% wanted to share what we learned from the feedback that you all shared with us over the last few months! Join us on October 28th for a Co...

by Pledge 1% Alumni

Senior Manager, Community Engagement, Pledge 1%

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UK Investments in Social Impact Grow 10x Over Past Decade

Exciting news! Social impact investments in the UK have grown tenfold over the past decade. Even during the peak of COVID, social impact investments grew 22% from 2020-2021. Do you invest in social impact funds? How do you think about social impact w...

by Pledge 1% Alumni

Member Specialist, Pledge 1%

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Bridgespan Study on Big Bets for Social Change

Hi everyone, Happy Tuesday! We wanted to share this study from Bridgespan - an amazing nonprofit consulting agency. They looked at the major social change movements in recent history and elevated key elements for sustained social change (cross-sector...

by Pledge 1% Alumni

Vice President, Pledge 1%

  • 0 replies
  • 2 kudos
Share your story on the Member Updates forum

As momentum grows around global social impact, we encourage you as thought leaders of the movement to share what your organization is passionate about, how you've made an impact and the lessons you've learned along the way. Check out the example and details for submitting here: