02:21 PM
- last edited on
12:03 PM
Michelle Fifis
Many nonprofits have a "Frankenstein" style tech system that might not be working for them. How can we help?
[NOTE: This question was based on a discussion event that started a very spirited conversation. We will link a recap post in the comments once it's written!]
11-10-2021 06:24 PM
I was just having a conversation about this with a friend this morning.
My $0.02.
11-22-2021 05:45 PM
As promised, here is a recap article from a webinar on this subject. See what the experts from Okta, Save the Children, Nten, and the Full Circle Fund had to say: https://community.pledge1percent.org/t5/Pledge-1-Resources/Digital-Transformation-and-Capacity-Build...
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