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Hello from Cinch + Strike in New Zealand - Excited to Join Pledge 1%


Greetings from New Zealand!


We are Cinch + Strike, a small Salesforce consulting firm. As newcomers to this initiative, we are very excited about the learning journey ahead and even more excited about how we can make use of our time and expertise to give back to the community. At this stage, dedicating our time is what we can manage, and we believe that by doing so, we can make a meaningful impact. We're eager to make our mark and help where we can, hoping to turn our commitment into significant positive change.


Looking forward to engaging with all of you, learning from all of you and exploring how we can all collectively contribute to our communities!


Community Manager
Community Manager
VP, Member Impact, Pledge 1%

Welcome Bianca! Many of our companies start with a time / volunteering pledge.  And many of our Salesforce partners offer pro-bono implementations to nonprofits in their communities. Be sure to check out the Time group for tips and tricks on volunteering. 

Michelle Fifis
Community Manager
Community Manager
Community Manager, Pledge 1%

Welcome to the community, @bianca! Has Cinch + Strike already identified nonprofit partners you'd like to work with, or are you still exploring potential collaborations?

Pledge 1% Team
Chief of Staff, Pledge 1%

Welcome Bianca!

Bianca Penaloza
Community Manager
Community Manager
CTO, Pledge 1%

We're big fans of our Salesforce Partner members.  From one Bianca to another, welcome!!


The Climate Action and Green Recovery Playbook

The Climate Action and Green Recovery Playbook will serve as a roadmap for all Pledge 1% companies to get involved in combating climate change through leveraging our unique resources, employee activations and engagement, and internal and external policies that consider all stakeholders, including the planet.

Playbooks are a Pledge 1% Member resource. Not a Member yet? Take the Pledge today for full access to the Pledge 1% tools & resources.